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Questionable Questing

Heaven Canceler
Heaven Canceler
Also she reincarnates into a little girl and all but replaces her with her memories and mind. So she pretty much killed a kid to get that life! Huzzah for questionable things that will never be mentioned in-universe!
...What kind of bullshit superpowers?
A superpower that makes male cows defecate on command.
.........Well I'd say that's more God's fault
I was about to say the girl is average, accept she has the average of everything in that fantasy world which makes her bullshit strong but you appear to be talking about something completely different.
Heaven Canceler
Heaven Canceler
No that God cannot into math. Average of everyone (This world) is all races divided by the number of races. Including the really really weak ones.
Heaven Canceler
Heaven Canceler
About what her power is, she basically has half the magic power of the ancient super dragons who may not even be around anymore. Also, magic is powered by Nanomachines in the air, because reasons.
....That sounds really odd.
Heaven Canceler
Heaven Canceler
It gets even sillier. The Nanomachines literally manifest as a strange robotic orb floating in the air in front of her for the sole purpose of giving her further exposition.
.....Did she become a new goddess or something?
Heaven Canceler
Heaven Canceler
It wouldn't even surprise me.

I cannot believe I am saying this, but the super-fanservice cagirls from space anime had way better story and characters than the vast majority of Isekai stuff.
I see the manga hasn't gotten to the point where she actually does get worshiped as a goddess and the king is like 'punish her family for treating her badly' and she goes 'Welp, fuck this!' and runs out of there.
And then the story seemingly forgets literally everyone before that chapter as it seems like the writer started to write from scratch as he plops her down in some random village taking on the new name Mile.
THEN has her join the adventurers guild but then moves her to meet the new cast of characters by shipping her off to adventurers school as a last resort to trying to fix how they fucked up in putting someone so strong at rank F and when I last checked in they graduated and started going on adventurers

Yeah Make My Abilities Average seemingly just literally forgot the first chapters
Someone killed the author and replaced him then? o_O
I literally wouldn't be surprised, the writing style shifted from 'misunderstanding side characters' to ACTUAL SIDE CHARACTERS.