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  • Due to the actions of particularly persistent spammers and trolls, we will be banning disposable email addresses from today onward.
  • The rules regarding NSFW links have been updated. See here for details.

Questionable Questing

I... thought it was pretty clear it was meant for your game?
Did you allready send an invite email? I'm just making sure I don't miss anyone
Not yet. I would like to enter with something clearer in mind for what I want in this and playing this on Google stuff would be a first for me.
Well if you want to just observe, that is fine by me. Is their anything I can do to clear things up? Also over half the players are new, so you won't be lagging behind.
Hmmm... How much working on Arcology vs porn anyway? I admit some kinks pointed out are just not for me, but I do wonder how often I'll see them.
It's going to be 80% arcology politics. The porn amount, is based almost purely on the players. That said, expect a few lewd festivals, as well as well as obscene displays of power.
I could invite you to the old game, so you could read over what was done. At least get a sense of the games tone.
Fair enough. I take it that being in google, only gmail accounts will work for invites?
No, but if you have a non-google email, you will need to link it with a google profile, or make a new one. If you have youtube or facebook its simple.
Meh, no need to make this too complicated. Also, sent mail.
Alright, been reading up. Unfortunately, I simply do not think I would be able to do the RP part justice. I'll observe, but will not play.

That and I'm not sure I like the Google group thing.
No worries! I'll pop you an invite. Just a aingle post saying your an observer would help.