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Questionable Questing

We have erotic roleplay on here? :V
Dr Totentanz
Dr Totentanz
I think he means what goes on behind PM doors...
*giggles and pokes fingers together going cross eyed*
Seth Vatamaris
Seth Vatamaris
Are you ready to talk?
GhostKaiju: Look in NSFW Play-by-Post (the IC subforum is where the actual ERP happens).

Seth Vatamaris: Go there, or PM people who seem interested.
if you like cat boy traps, maybe you can find one... ;)
Dr Totentanz
Dr Totentanz
But Horton! I thought you were Neko girl! :O
Seth Vatamaris
Seth Vatamaris
Too many dudes here
  • Like
Reactions: Horton
hey that works

and what's wrong with dudes?
Dr Totentanz
Dr Totentanz
Nothing wrong with dudes! And Neko girls *always* works ~
Seth Vatamaris
Seth Vatamaris
yep a cat is fine too but it feels weird Ero RPing with guys
Dr Totentanz
Dr Totentanz
Eh don't knock till yah try.
Seth Vatamaris
Seth Vatamaris
Well I'm still trying to figure out how to use the RP threads
Who knows. I've liked guys since I've liked girls, I accepted it after knowing I liked girls, but the feeling was pretty solid and I dunno if it's really changed that much internally.
Dr Totentanz
Dr Totentanz
I lean more toward girls but I've been willing to try the other side of the fence. Plus gender bending is a massive kink for me.
As someone who has both fallen in love with both guys and girls in the past.

Guys all the way.

I mean girls are hot, but meh.