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Questionable Questing

besides, just because I'm a hypocrite doesn't make me any less tru
I believe that China and Russia may contend the American hegemony you mention, Fish.
Regardless, it wouldn't make America exceptional. That's a path well-worn by Roman sandals. Nothing new.
As for culture, well. We'd be rather better off without Hollywood, I think.
America's most prominent cultural exports are racist, sexist, and homophobic. Only recently has that begun to change, and even then slowly. Some great works of art have been produced by American hands, but that's true of any nation's people.
Scientific? Well, there was the Moon landing. Point.
On a rocket built by nazi scientists. Point retracted.

Atomic and Nuclear weapons aren't a point of pride for any nation. Impressive, but horrific. Take that as an exceptional creation of America if you want, Fish. I wouldn't.
Einstein's work was rather notable, but he was German before he was American.

Some highly influential steps in chemistry.

Some medical advances. Lives saved, the most worthy branch of science.

Overall, nothing that sets America apart from other nations here.
As a person who knows people, I think you should know that China's just fine forthe most part to settle for number two. Agree on Muscovy tho
Overall, America has done many impressive things.
Every other nation of similar size and age has also done many impressive things.

It's my opinion that nationalism is bullshit. People do great things whenever the opportunity presents, wherever they may be.
And as a major investor in Hollywood, I find your notions of Hollywood changing to be highly amusing.

Still, I like my Murica culture over Nipon, because I like having not-as-stereotyped whites 'n blacks in my moovies
Anyway, I won't put but the tissue-paper thin level of effort into justifying muricanexpectionalism, since that whole point was 'it is better than nipon expectionalism at least'.

Anyway, I get that light novels like Gate are terrible to begin with, but it's just the overly hawkish generalizations like Chinese leader going 'let's put half our population on the other side' that gets me
Well, if your country's got more than a billion people, and is getting more in its way, of course you'd want to boot them somewhere else if the opportunity occurs.
Also my fucking producer/director. So what if you directed some conan animu movie shit, you're nobody here bah
no, kinglugia, why didn't he mention India? Why only China when it doesn't even have the capability or desire for moving the vast majority of its less educated, an action that would hurt the country's ability to build a consumer base, while taxing its infrastructure beyond its limits, and attrition a substantial number of the population in said process?
Gate is like if a military-otaku with a Donald Trump personality wrote a self gratifying wish fulfillment transport to another world genre story--...

sigh, nevermind, no point getting upset at that specific example
... wish these condenscending fuckers I work with weren't so polite about it tho. Sigh.

The agents sent in by the Americans, Russians, and Chinese to collect the 'guests' were wiped out by the Japanese Special Forces...
"Why are the Japanese Special Forces so gooooood?!"

Well, that was in the anime, and that was the only part that pops out to me, but some people said that the nationalism did drop down between the LN, the manga, and the anime.
The hawkish undertones seem to have remained, though some of the racism and nationalism did go away... profit oriented minds seem to understand that moderation is key to pandering to the largest market... of course, it's a series that they have little plans for exporting, so it makes sense. Though... even Stargate wasn't this... sigh...
It might be that they didn't dare to export it. :D

Of course, if one compares to a number of "America, Fuck Yeah!" B-movies -or even their Box Offices ones- from Hollywood, well...

It's not that bad. :p
. . . I have no idea why I am discussing the merits or demerits of exceptionally nationalistic fictions in Bii's comment section.
becuz bigoh
Auuuuuuuu from middle of empty beer mugs....

Where mah loli! Gimme loli fishie!