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Questionable Questing

Jack was pretty much bulldozing through the plot via sheer kiliness and catching girls because dumb fucking dreams apparently pander to the lowest common denominator.
Fuck you brain help me write new story posts not make me think of new quest ideas.
>Not Best Dad Delta

Drill daddy > Wrench boy :p
My best bioshock memories were with Jack.

Shocking a Big Daddy then smashing their face with a wrench is just too much of a classic.
Speaking seriously though, I'd have to replay the games, but memetic Jack Ryan would basically be a one man army fighting against super-Vigor Junkies and elite combatants on Columbia, melding the abilities of Vigor, Splicers, and various tonics and gears to ridiculous combined effect. The Lutece twins would be watching in morbid amusement at everything.
It'd be something of a speedrun of the canon plot, with a lot of rails either thrown off or rushed through because Jack's response to songbiard is to start fighting the durned thing, and probably leave it more and more crippled after each clash. I consider him to be that good.
Also, "A man chooses. A slave obeys. I deny this foretold fate, and make my own destiny."

And the obvious Elizabeth-Ryan whirlwind romance because the little sisters need a mommy.
I approve of Mute/Reality Warper pairing.
I think of Jack after all his tonics to be pretty damn jacked. And fights a lot like a demented mix of Big Sister and Big Daddy with a shitton of plasmids. No armor so lesser than both there (except he gets the Shield infusion in Columbia lol), not as strong as a big daddy, nor faster than a little sister, but faster than a big daddy and stronger than a big sister.