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Questionable Questing

The locals don't get it. It's contrary to their tastes.
Alternatively, could be Japanese into fantasy Eastern Europe, but like...that's even more cliche.
And then every native dies of alcohol poisoning, including the dragons, especially the dragons. Vodka is just that fucking OP.

While we're at it, relevant music: https://youtu.be/9Ayxmn1iwjg
Oh, and one of the comment chains in that youtube video is basically an isekai plot on it's own:
"When you hop into the wrong portal, and instead of Monolith control room, you end up in the land of raging lesbian lolis...
With fancy hats."
"And Somehow manage to find some Vodka from strange Drunk loli then passed out during vodka refuel process...

Then you wake up in an Infirmary hearing a House owner Shouting at Mechanic for make such a Stupid fixing, After walk outside and realized that you're in a Fucking Bamboo forest seeing 2 Rabbit girls chasing each others ..."
"... You get a Mayonez from Umbrella lady with warp skill, And almost get Shot after several attempt to scavenge sunflower seed (Blin!). But hey! At least the Garden owner gives you some share of her product and a Sun flower seed oil (For maximum slavness). ..."
"... After investigating the Zone(?), You found a Very large Mansion Occupied with Questionable group of Babushkas and show how Slav you are after Hit a Library Bandit with Kalashinkov

Then you go Squatting at the Lakeside and feels the Chernobyl-Level of coldness from Russian Ice fairy. ..."
"... You take a Metro to the Underground Nuclear Site and get Caught Lying about Mayonez by 2 Arstotzkan officers,One of them wears green and Act a bit dumb while another one wears pink and say "You Cannot Bribe a Gensokyo officer". You didn't get detained but the Nuclear bird gives you radiation level that close enough to the Zone."
Except for the part about introducing ones native cuisine, that satisfies all the criteria I placed on the isekai plot I provided.
Actually, now that I think about it, it satisfies that one - they went for the semechki, vodka, and mayonez.

What it actually fails to satisfy is the locals not 'getting it'.
Youtube can be a magical place as long as you stray from the well traveled path...