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Questionable Questing

Sequels are worse.
The sequels have competent writing regardless of whether you like the stories or not. The prequels are just a complete fucking mess. George Lucas should never be allowed to write for his own series ever again, not without a team of editors babysitting him the whole time.
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I actually liked The Phantom Menace, TBH. Not a lot of relation to the original trilogy, but it's a decent sci-fi movie.
Vergil1989 Crossover King
Vergil1989 Crossover King
Right...are you sure you watched the Prequels there Smuthunter? Because a lot of people, myself included, enjoyed the Prequels. They weren't perfect, but they were FAR better than the recent trash we've gotten from Disney.
Attack of the Clones is good iff you skip every scene where Across the Stars plays. Unfortunately, that's at least 20% of the movie.
I don't have to change your mind. I'll judt put you on Ignore and not hear your feedback. Just like Disney did with SW fandom. :p
Revenge of the Sith has a couple of cringe moments, but it's not bad at all (and some of the Anakin/Padme actually works, unlike in AotC).
I definitely find the Prequels way better than the Sequels. The execution of a lot of things is wobbly to put it nicely, but the overall story is solid and with a clear direction to it.
You do realize this "solid story" includes Kenobi being given every piece of the puzzle to figure out that the clones were created by Dooku in AotC, and yet apparently he just forgets all about it? No, the prequels are horrible on all possible levels save only for the John Williams score.
I do realise that yes. There are things to praise and things to despise. For example, the final duel between Anakin and Kenobi in Episode 3.
On the bad side it is terrible because it is all spectacle and there is very little story to it, literally "They Fight" in the script. But god damn it is some good spectacle, and the fighting is actually proper swordfighting.
The choreography is actually proper swordfighting realism for the huge majority of it, the two actors sell the physicality because there is no speeding up of the footage at all, they trained until they were just that fast and practiced, and it has the best actual duelling in all of the films, with special note going to the grapple-countergrapple.
Huge Majority. What part of that do you not understand? A nitpick does not a majority make.
The part I don't understand is how a 5-minute fight scene of dubious quality redeems 7.5 hours of garbage.
I'm gonna give up talking. Apparently another word you don't understand is example.
Smuthunter: What exactly is Kenobi supposed to do with the knowledge that the clones are created by Dooku, that he doesn't?

Stealing Dooku's army isn't exactly a bad move, and knowing Dooku made the clones doesn't exactly shed any light on the one big trump card i.e. Chancellor Palpatine = Darth Sidious.
I dunno, tell somebody? Tell ANYBODY that the bad guy made the clones and the clones are therefore most likely bad too? He has every piece of the puzzle necessary to end the war right then and there and throw Palpatine's whole scheme completely off the rails and he just doesn't because contrivances.
For that matter how about the business with Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas commissioning the clones, a major plot point that is NEVER MENTIONED EVER AGAIN outside of the EU. Apparently Lucas can't even use Chekov's Gun properly anymore, and that's Writing 101.