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Questionable Questing

I absolutely love it to bits. I'm a little shocked at the pacing though, up to part 366 and not even two days have gone by. O_O
So what did you think of *kapants* x3
So thoughts on:
Fasion ninjas
Kind of love Harem, but also kind of hate the more flighty part of her personality that has her casually being a traitor/spy. If that turns out to be a thing where she's secretly pretending to be a spy, despite actually being a solid member of the team, then I'll revise my opinion of her.
Love Dabbler, all love. Ten out of ten, would bang. I really enjoy how she knows more than she let's on, but pretends to be oblivious just to get a rise out of people sometimes.
Maxima is all awesome, which surprises me. I usually find feminist characters to be very poorly done and offensive, but this isn't so bad. She also jokes around on occasion, so she isn't always being strict. I enjoyed it when she went off the rails during the power demo too.
Fashion ninjas made me giggle, I'll admit.

Deus... eh... only seen him a couple times, but he comes off as a lot like Dr. Draken from Kim Possible. I like him for that alone, because I have some very fond memories of the show from when I was younger.
Glad your enjoying it ^_^
Maxima has mostly staid my fav char throughout
And yea he really does come across alot like draken now that you pointed it out alot more competent than draken. God I used to love tha show.
Looking forward to what you think of the rest.
And looking forward to more of your story's.
so how far you got in the comic now Gerbil
Finished it. So sad that I burned through ten years worth of updates in a few days. O_O
Yea.. on the bright side it's usually updated once a week altho if you get 2 on a given week chance are there won't be one the next week.

So thoughts on the characters now that you caught up.
What did you think if Sydney's interactions with the vampire and Dire Werewolf
Deus bodyguard/ assistant/babysitter Vale
Sciona that angel demon alien woman

and what are your favorite parts sofar
Sydney is just an adorkable hilarious treat, no matter what. I can feel her pain too, because if I found out that almost everything I knew about the supernatural creatures was a lie, I'd probably be a little crushed too. Loved how she kept poking at the seven hundred year old vamp guy too, that had me smiling.
Vale is awesome, and I'm really freaking curious about what her deal is exactly. Super, cyborg, magitech A.I? Who knows. Love how she just puts up with Deus' crazy. The part where she just sat on the back of his cart, looking so done with this shit, was really cute. I'd love to see her and Maxima fight too.
Sciona is a bitch, if a little amusing at times. I'm hoping she falls under Deus' sway, since it looks like her people are going to be closely tied to him in the future. As much of an egomaniacal unrepentant bastard as he is, I like him. He makes no bones about who and what he is, doesn't hide it, and is actually rather competent too. It's kind of refreshing.
My favorite parts are many, too many to list. Sydney just tickles me right like that. If I had to pick... mmm... three favorite moments? I would say when she gave Neil deGrasse Tyson spicy alien food on the down low, her master plan to defeating the first big bad was distracting him with Dabbler's hypnotic boobs, and page 423 when she roasted Harem. That was gold.
I honestly think Vale is some eldrich incorporeal thing but we will see.

I admit i love Sciona as an antagonist, I also love her design and how she looks.

and yea Deus just gets better the more you see him :D what did you think of his little black book (can't actually remember what color it was)

umm... o yea your thoughts on Dire Honeybadger and the Were supper pink leopard girl
o and Halo and VAle in the elevator

and the make maxima say Bingo
Mixed feelings on how the were-situation was approached, but it's unique. I especially like how pink leopard girl's were-form is a super, that's really interesting. Didn't see much of badger, but I like how leopard girl is down-to-earth. The elevator scene was great too, how she just basically held a conversation with herself while Vale was panic pressing the button silently screaming 'get me out of here!'
Yeah, Maxima bingo had me giggling everytime it came up. I love how Sydney wasn't even there for a week and she was already in on it too.