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Questionable Questing

I'm curious too.
It was explained before but he had an Authority called [Battle of Camlann] and it was basically a very potent version of a battlefield where everyone are equal and Mordred is on one side and everyone else is on the other. It stripped him of all Authorities and left him on the same level of physical prowess as his opponents so he was equal to them and the ones who died there were gone for good.
He then worked on his Authority and used it as a foundation for Virtual Reality and installed it with technology and slowly was replacing parts of it with actual Virtual Reality and upon activating it all Players got stuck.
He basically managed to reverse-engineer an Authority with technology and made it into a Game, he wanted to die but he also wanted to create a Campione with his death to ruin all the plans that were put into motion all over the World. No matter what, no matter what face he wore over the time of his existence, he always wanted to bring Salvation to Humanity and this was his last Gambit.
Thank you for explaining. Also, pardon me for asking, but could you please update "One Thousand Steps: No Matter What" or "Dreams of Heroism: Journey of a Lifetime"; I am chomping at the bit to know what happens next in both stories.
The 'Waifu Collection'-Fic already has a Snip ready, just my Betas taking their time Beta'ing it. The latter is up to Voting.