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Questionable Questing

Thread Necromancer
Thread Necromancer
Depending on what you are writing, the command and conquer remake sound tracks are decent music to write to so long as you skip the tracks with people talking in them, though luckily there aren't that many.
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Reactions: Rikov
Ill give em a listen, Itll be nice to listen to something other than sabbath for awhile
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Reactions: Rikov
Hammerfall's some good shit if you're into power metal.
I know I'm more than a bit late on this, but the band "PowerWolf" is a personal favorite of mine
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Reactions: Rikov
abercrombie fizzwidget
abercrombie fizzwidget
Pretty much anything by FalKKonE slaps pretty hard.

Edit: JT Music is also pretty good.

Edit: this guy by the name of "DaddyPhatSnaps" is also pretty good.

Edit: Supergiant Games does a lot of their own music and they do it gloriously.

Edit: Ponyphonic, despite the name, makes some pretty good music.

Edit: The Living Tombstone is also pretty good at it.
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Reactions: Rikov
abercrombie fizzwidget
abercrombie fizzwidget
Ok Goodnight and Aviators also make some sound that slaps.

Edit: pretty much anything by Andrew WK rocks pretty hard.

Edit: Badministrator is a pretty good composer. Goes through a lot of styles as well.

Edit: Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq is a fucking genius with a instrument and some lyrics. Tons of fun.

Edit: The Oh Hellos are a bit slower but no less enjoyable.
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Reactions: Rikov
abercrombie fizzwidget
abercrombie fizzwidget
Can't believe that I haven't advocated for Miracle Of Sound yet.

Edit: Lazy Moonkin has some good jingles. Not many but they're not bad.

Edit: there is, of course, Mili. She's got a lot of slightly odd songs. You'll probably like at least a few of them.

Edit: Divide Music and The Longest Johns are good.

Edit: Shau Dow raps pretty hard.

Edit: The Cog Is Dead makes a few good ones.
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Reactions: Rikov
abercrombie fizzwidget
abercrombie fizzwidget
Dan Bull makes some good raps.

Edit: Acapellascience is also in the business of making some good music and about some pretty interesting science as well.

Edit: Zack Hemsey makes a hell of a lot of music. Pretty smooth stuff as well.

Edit: Animusic is pretty neat.

Edit: Cement City makes some real master-pieces. Slaps pretty hard.

Edit: the works of S J Tucker are high quality works.
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Reactions: Rikov