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Questionable Questing

I ended up making a handmade fish breeding table, and literally wrote out every requirement for the Georama of each place, so I didn't have to look for clues on a second+ playthrough. Not sure where I put those. 2/2
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Oh! And I enjoyed Lumen, too. I have an idea bouncing around my head about a sort of World of Final Fantasy and DQXI(S included in this world) but a bit of a multi-cross, since I'd want to get human bodies for my Monsters I capture using Imprisming.
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I have no idea how to start it, though, and I'm not confident in my ability to write the characters correctly. As for where the human forms would come from? Shield Hero has a good system for that, doesn't it?
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Basically, it'd start with the Goddess of DQXI (the one from the statues) conscripting me, but allowing me to ask for certain abilities, which she, in turn asks Ena Kros if it's alright. The ability in question is the imprisming ability.