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Questionable Questing

You're free to write whatever you want, ofc, but you already have 5 stories with actually interesting concepts running. Why'd you want to start yet another generic Worm fanfic? There are already more than enough of them. Unlike your other stories, this idea lacks that spark of uniqueness.

Supergirl is also not the most interesting character, tbh, especially when it comes to her powerset.
Such a story already exists, btw, though it's discontinued. Not to mention how many other Worm fics with Superman-like MCs there are.
As ego said feel free to write whatever, but Kryptonian characters are not very interesting to write or read as drop in characters. You'd have to literally introduce some convoluted situation for Kryptonite to create any sort of real tension as Kryptonians are just utter bullshit and can wreck most settings.
Vergil1989 Crossover King
Vergil1989 Crossover King
Meh, it was the only super genius/technical wizard I could think of at the time. It was also starting to get a bit late at the time I originally posted that comment, so my brain was half mush by that point after not sleeping the greatest the night before. Still, my idea was more I wanted to do a super 'Tinker' type of SI into Worm thing. Someone like Lena Luthor, Tony Stark, or someone similar anyway.