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Questionable Questing

Well, you can't escape from politics while writing an ASOIAF story or quest - It's what the setting is all about really. And politics as a subject matter is interesting to me, so I tend to comment on it.
And a hearty thank you to yourself and Jackalmoreau for this quest. An update makes my day.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
This quest was partly born out of me looking at ASOIAF lore and seeing how culturally empty it is. I try with the help of Jackal as main writer through the updates to add a distinct feel and color to each Region's mythology, worldview, and personality. I really want to create a sense of living meaningful society with identity for the backbone of the politics
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
By the way, what you liking in the Quest?
Well, it's a novel idea - a corruption quest in ASOIAF. That in and of itself makes it great, ASOIAF smut is such a rarity.
It's also the fact that it's set in a time period that most ASOIAF fics don't tackle as it is a long period of peace.

The quest is also otherwise competently written and the characters are all in-character. The unique premise and the great writing clinch it for me.