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  • Just wanted to say - you're extra awesome, after reading "Terrible, yes, but great".
    I'm a sucker for these "prevailing against impossible" moments, and boy did the last chapters deliver
    Shirou's dry wit was also a huge upside, had a few laughs there
    The porn part felt a bit stale, but thats ok
    Overall it was one of the best fan works I read
    You made my day brighter with your work, and I figured I should let you know
    Mistakes were made - Just binged through this one and loved it! One of the best Worm fics I've ever read. I really liked your portrayal of Taylor and not just having a skinwalker named Taylor. The MC was also a refreshingly flawed but still human character that played well off of her. Thanks for the story.
    Is 'Mistakes were made' dead? Or just not getting the traction you wanted?
    • Like
    Reactions: Procrastination
    Mistakes Were Made isn't dead. I got busy for the holidays (typical, where I don't get Decembers/early January to myself really), and then have some health stuff going on that I've been dealing with for the past month. Just hasn't been conducive to writing much. It'll resume.
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    Reactions: asdeka
    Hey man aren t ya going to post our fate fanfic again
    Bro, do you have like a Fanfiction account or smth? I swear I've read stuff from you, it's either on here or FF.
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    Reactions: Procrastination
    It's all here, yep. Terrible, Yes, but Great is one. Immortality, Give or Take a 'T' is my other, original work. And then obviously the new one you just replied to!
    Your prose on TYPES like Ort and other alien species with certain views of the World when they interact conceptually are quite interesting to read, and good at getting the point across.
    Hah, thanks. The more I began developing things like that, contextualizing inhuman perception or interactions with a sort of 'shared' reality manipulation, the more it sort of refined itself. I had a lot of mental what-ifs occurring to get me there. Then, hours to try to figure out how I could put that into quick words to pour it into someone else's brain potentially.
    Do you have a Discord server?
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    Reactions: Procrastination
    I put one together a while back, but never really got around to including a link anywhere. I kind of want to talk a little more with my readers and potentially other writers actually. Maybe I'll put that together now.
    I've noticed in your replies that when you reply to a post with a large word count, you don't split up the post to answer individually, but your reply acts as if you did.

    Do you just not know how to use the quotes function or did you just not to bother with doing so?
    • Like
    Reactions: Procrastination
    Then, once done, just hit the Insert Quotes… option in the bottom right of reply box and it'll automatically paste all the quotes, leaving space between each quote for you to type in.

    If you didn't need any of this, sorry to bother you, but otherwise, I hope I was helpful.

    Also, I like your fate story!
    I'm just too lazy to continually requote any part. As I'm sure you noticed, I tend to respond to everyone individually that takes the time to leave me a few words(where I can if I'm not busy with something), so I usually just tell people that I respond to their stuff in order. Works the same with their reviews!
    Given that often is every bit as much (if not more writing) than the chapter itself sometimes, it can get quite tedious!
    Hi mate, been reading your stories. TYBG is pretty fun, but I've been incredibly impressed with Immor(t)ality; it feels like Percy Jackson, in a way, but mature. The world has already come to life in a cool way. I'm looking forward to more!
    Man i really hope college (i think it was college) isn't kicking your butt too much right now, anyway quick question: could you upload your story to AO3, i want to reread it and maybe comment here and there but the forum rules aparently frown upon that, wich is unfair for late readers or just someone with a real question.
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    Reactions: Procrastination
    I have loose plans to add it to other sites eventually, but I've been busy (yes, college and other expenses have me in the hole for now) with life in general. The second arc was planned out ages ago, but that's the way things go sometimes!
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