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Questionable Questing

Never really occurred to me to be honest, I'd always been big into sports and shit growing up and working out to impress girls initially as a kid. It just generally led to me being in decent shape for the vast majority of my life, and I generally write my inserts vaguely in some forms based on me as a kid, so it never really occurred to me.
Though admittedly I've put on a few pounds the last few months because I've been eating too much junk and had too much stuff going on to go to the gym regularly, not really a big deal granted since it's easily burnable once I get back to it...but yeah, I've never really been fat so I don't really know what to write in that perspective.
I can relate to that (being fit/never fat)but I thought about it while trying to go to sleep 2 nights ago and the thought sounded awesome, tbh I think it would motivate people because your style of writing is very personable/emotional so I think if you could figure out how to write it you would do great on it. Anyways just a story concept/idea for the future, keep up the great work