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Questionable Questing

William O'Brien
Yep! *Hugs fox* Feeling better? I noticed your profile said you were angry :(
I'm better. *Hugs* :)
Hiya Will. :3
William O'Brien
Hi! *Hugs the cute fox*
William O'Brien
Is there a way to get rid of this having to wait for mod approval thing and post normally?
Ask one of the mods to approve you.
William O'Brien
Thanks :3
Hiya. =3
William O'Brien
Hey :). How've you been?

EDIT: Also *hugs*
I'm good. Posted a fan fic earlier today on QQ.
William O'Brien
Cool. Imma read it.

EDIT: I'm back nao. Not too familiar with Star Wars, but I'm interested.
Have you seen all seven Star Wars movies?
William O'Brien
I've seen a prequel (regretted it immensely), snippets of the Original Trilogy (I definitely remember seeing A New Hope, and I saw the end fight between Vader and Luke in Empire, but I never saw Return of the Jedi), and that cool five minute long cartoon version of the Clone Wars, but not the CGI show or the new one.
That five minute version is actually an hour plus long. You can find it on youtube. Star Wars Clone Wars.