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  • Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for making Tokens of Obsession, big fan of it and felt like you managed to make a lot of memorable entries. Would like to note that it seems pretty heavily incentivized towards Randomized though, which I think is a bit of a pity when it comes to the higher Token Budgets.
    Da Boyz
    That'd keep in theme and encourage more builds which go full in on the all consuming obsession of the CYOA.
    Da Boyz
    Ah sorry if this was a bit too gushy, hope the feedback wasn't too much.
    No worries, you're fine. It's just that Tokens isn't something I'm thinking of these days so I didn't really dive into your feedback.
    I feel like you can only take a pure yandere centric story one of two ways
    Either Horror-thriller
    Or Pure crack-cocaine
    How's the update coming along?
    More than halfway done.

    For future reference it's considered rude to ask after updates. I'm not bothered in this instance, but it can stress people out.
    I'm sorry!
    So, the reader barraging the author with "when update is coming?" is rude, but the author barraging the reader with "sooooon, sooooooooon" is not? Hah :D
    Hey! Hello!

    I honestly don't understand why people run away from the crazy, especially the powerful ones. Like why resist? Enjoy it! Maybe I am just one of those people who don't really care about having much personal freedom and would rather zealously serve under someone.

    Also Am I really that weird who finds the idea of Momo creating everything I wear and use weirdly wholesome and romantic?
    Seems like this CYOA was made for you then! Fills me with joy to see someone love it so whole heartedly.

    Nah, that makes sense. If she hadn't become so controlling it'd be a purely romantic gesture. She loves you after all. Even as she takes over more and more of your life she's looking for new ways to show that.
    Absolutely! Most yandere CYOAs don't really elaborate on the craziness of the love interests and how they manipulate you. I really like how you portray the unhingedness of all the characters

    My only problem is that I barely know any of the characters!
    Hello, I wanted to say, that I really liked your "Tokens of Obsession" R34 CYOA. I also wnated to ask, when would we see the update. Thanks!
    Awesome! Is there any specialized thread for it already? Like, in CW Index forum? Or a Discord server? I've seen some people writing ideas for other characters in the general CYOA thread but it's kinda hard to keep track of all of them. I just wanted to submit some of my ideas for possible characters (mainly, I've got some possible versions of High School DxD and Rising Of The Shield Hero characters).
    But without some specialized thread/server it's hard to find if somebody also submitted their ideas for them. And I really want to contribute too! I really like the premise of choosing how Yandere your waifu will be going. You've managed to bring something really new to R34 CYOA genre! With this sliding scale of obsession (by choosing how many tokens to spend) you can do some awesome stuff!
    Nope! No server or thread. People have only submitted requests so far, not descriptions. If you've got either just @ me in the main CYOA thread. Or PM me if you're feeling shy about them.

    Thanks for the compliments! It's awesome to see how much fun people are having with this thing.
    Trying to do more of the writing stuff instead of throwing myself into side projects the second one presents itself.
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