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  • "Look at how not shallow I am, I don't even care about your species or gender. All I care about is if you're pretty."
    You know the feeling of hating high school drama as a kid, and then when you grow up and you kind of yearn for it.
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    Reactions: Zam138
    during high school, you might *be* the drama, but when you're out of school life gets slower, and there's no risk of the drama "involving you"
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    Reactions: d.fish
    I want to be a part of it now please thanks
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    Reactions: Zam138
    "I have claustrophobia, so I don't like this kind of narrow-hearted, small-minded person."
    Sometimes, I feel I'm too old to have a bucket list, and sometimes I feel I'm too young to have a bucket list.
    What kinda shoes do people wear anymore?
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    Reactions: Zam138
    Nike's really been taking a hit lately
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    Reactions: Zam138
    I don't go anywhere, so "nothing" in my case lol
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    Reactions: d.fish
    *looks at zam's stinky hobbit feets* HMMMM
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    Reactions: Zam138
    My brain is slowing down, I forgot the word, like

    What's the word for

    You know

    Preserved butterflies, right? But like that, but human parts, or whatever, you know, to put into your collection, like, pressing a human tongue between pages in a book or something
    Be like in Harry Potter and the first spell you learn is gaslightius or something
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    Reactions: Zam138
    You can send messages through Expecto Patronum, have it send whispered messages just out of sight
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    Reactions: d.fish
    I mean, I know it's unreasonable and unrealistic to have characters like, you know, who, after cheating or whatever, regret so much they die, or something, but I guess it's satisfying to see on some level
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    Reactions: Rikov
    its unrealistic because the kind of person that would do that IRL by and large never appreciates the consequences of their actions, let alone to such a degree that the regret affects their health
    They do in many manhua that focus on a Regressor getting payback for every slight, at least. "They're successful and happy now, without me!" *cue crying*
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    There's an ancient chinese idiom that goes something like "eating from the bowl, looking at the pot, thinking of the field", the literal imagery is you're eating the dish you picked into your bowl, but thinking about what you haven't touched in the pot, and the ones you haven't cooked in the field, but it's a metaphor for wanting to start a harem.
    There used to be some really weird animes, like that one where everyone was an alien wrestler from space, or this lego one where everyone's an heir of a character from the journey to the west... feels like there's less and less stupidly weird ones these days and more commercially weird ones
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    My Deer Friend Nokotan is coming out soon
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    Reactions: d.fish
    Wow, there sure are a lot of deer in Nara this time of year
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