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Search results for query: *

  1. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    [X] Training and future traps
  2. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Don't we already have a moat?
  3. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Hmm, that is much simpler. I do like that. [X] Plan to be? No 2b. -Morning -[X] [Other] Upgrade Wall : Area Large (Adds empty space for three structures) [120% Stone](With 2B) -[X] [Other] Get to know 2b. (With 2B... obviously.) -Day -[X] [Harvest] Minerals: Stone -[X] [Training]...
  4. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    I went full meme. And Baymax, because Baymax is basically a giant hugbot. And Monika deserves hugs.
  5. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Mmm... AI... Okay, let's see. The obvious would be Skynet(Terminator), SHODAN(System Shock), Durandal(Marathon), GLaDOS(Portal), Cortana(Halo), and Dragon(Worm). Most of those would do... interesting things given that all of them are both used to having industrial scales to work with... And...
  6. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    [X] Southeast Scavenging & Studying Spiders Seems like a good plan. Not sure about leaving the traps broken though.
  7. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Oh, nice... Yeah, the training was a bit over the top, but I figured that her having just made the training camp, she would want to actually use it. So, looks like at least 2 hours of wall repairs and possibly another hour to repair the traps. Three hours out of a 12 hour work day huh... After...
  8. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Natsuki and Natsuki must meet.
  9. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    ...+2 EXP to Melee, Archery, Acrobatics rolls) [10% Wood, 5% Wool, 1 hour, one Space] -[X][Training] (1 hour, repeatable) --[X][Training] Acrobatics *2 --[X][Training] Archery --[X][Training] Farming --[X][Training] Red-Engineering --[X][Training] Learn a new component: Self, Regeneration, Leap...
  10. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    -[X][Tall boye] ...Maybe you could offer it something? It seemed to like that block. (In which case, what will you give? Monika happens to have a few random items in her inventory, so feel free to suggest whatever so long as it isn't absurd)--[X] Offer it/them a Block of Clay. -[X][Zombie...
  11. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    ...Monika has a lava bucket on her, right? Maybe she could put a block in the way as like a half barricade, then put the lava between the first barricade and the second? I am sure that the zombie will have all sorts of fun walking through that! And I am so tempted to have Monika cram a pumpkin...
  12. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    [X] Build that wall until it's done. -[X][Other] Build something --[X] Repair wall * 4 --[X] Build Traps: Simple (Gives +2 to Night rolls, 1d4(1) chance to break) [3 hours, 15% Redstone, Requires Red-Engineering LV 2] --[X]Armor: Chestplate, Diamond [No time cost, 4% Diamond] --[X]Armor...
  13. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    [X] Magma Engineering Okay, changing my vote. I kinda wanted to focus on magic first, but getting some work in on making some actual passive defenses can only be of the good, right?
  14. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Later, if/when Monika realizes it can be a thing, possibly a mob spawner? A lot of the other things I normally build require or only have a purpose when there are certain mods installed. No point making an altar setup if Blood Magic isn't installed, and a botanical garden area is useless...
  15. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    ...and a half hours, 10% Wool, 3% String, 2% Mana Crystals] -[X] Increase storage (Large: max holding 500%) [half hour, 25% Wood] -[X] Repair Wall * 2 (2 hours 40% repair) [X][Resources] Forest (1 hour, repeatable) -[X][Woodlands -> Gather] Saplings (specific type)(DC 10) [X][Other] Build...
  16. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Cool. In order: 1) I entirely missed them damnit. Ahh well. I was looking in personal equipment upgrades. Great, fewer resources and time needed! 2) I at first thought so, then I noticed the formatting was the same for all the other things, so applied the transitive property. Aka, it takes 1...
  17. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    ...[One and a half hours, 10% Wool, 3% String, 2% Mana Crystals] -[] Increase storage (Large: max holding 500%) [half hour, 25% Wood] -[] Repair Wall * 2 (2 hours 40% repair) [][Training] (1 hour, repeatable) -[] Magic * 2 [] Animal Work -[] Train the new dog to play fetch for the rest of the...
  18. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Cool. I'll start making a plan then.
  19. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    How long would it take to try repairing the wall? It should be pretty obvious it was damaged after last night.
  20. zebrin

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Cool to hear. Looking forwards to the next update.