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Search results for query: *

  1. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Yeah, you are correct on those points, sorry it was a long day yesterday so I wasn't all that attentive when reading up on some of the stuff, my bad. That rule just plain stupid it's just asking someone to Extended Cast a spell to deal 12 Agg with Potence 30 on 5 targets and just one-shoot...
  2. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    ...we say a die has a 60% chance to be a success (because of crits and stuff) than Prime 5 would be around equal to have 8 extra dices on the roll (0.6*8 = 4.8 successes on average). Or did I miss something? I don't know where Euphoria and Zeal come from (I tried Crtl+F on all the 1E Books I...
  3. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    So I got my 1E book now, means I will not have to guess anymore, which is nice. Also I probably should say that I'm more in it for the RP aspects and tend to not care that much about actual combat, so someone cheesing some encounters isn't a problem for me, so I may not recognize some of the...
  4. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Pretty sure the Wisdom 1 sin here is the "sacrificing of humans" and not the summoning in itself. In general they need a "corrupted" space to be summoned, so if you can get that without losing Wisdom you are "fine" on that end. The summoning itself is difficult I think there are arguments for...
  5. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I don't have any idea were that came from... Toreador tend to be horrible (as do all other vampires). Half of them are socialites spending their days scheming against other kindreds and using younger kindreds and mortals as pawns in their schemes for more influence, not caring who they hurt...
  6. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Don't let me bully you into making changes to your story. I like Tzimisce and dislike Ventrue, so I'm veeeery biased. That said, who needs Fortitude when they can have Vicissitude "Inner Mastery" and "Horrid Form"? And high humanity is just a "personal thing" it doesn't depend on the clan, just...
  7. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    That why you should have it in your signature (which you have by now), I was going through your profile to find the thread. So that the one I found. I mean she could also drink from him (exclusively) as a Tzimisce, but it wouldn't be such a big deal, if she can always drink from everyone she...
  8. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    First, I'm a bit sad she isn't a Tzimisce anymore as they are my favourite clan. I know there will be a Tzimisce Elder in the story and I hope he will be the best character in it, if not I will be a bit sad. I think it's enough to have the distant and having Tanjirou feel uneasy around the...
  9. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    It's less about appearance in the sense of "how they look" and more about how they act. And in the case were it is about the looks it's more about them not "grooming" themselves anymore, which is a very un-ventru thing to do, so you don't have to worry about that. In general it's more how they...
  10. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    That the one thing everyone tells themselves "I don't care if people like it, I do it for myself" but let's be real we all also would prefer it if people liked it and we got more likes/clicks/views. Sadly for you, quality of a fic isn't (always) proportional to it success. I mean I'm a horrible...
  11. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Actively showing that a Tzimisce is on good terms with someone can be tricky as they tend to be polite to everyone, following their own rules of conduct when hosting visitors or visiting others. If the Toreador is an artist, a easy way could be to have their art displayed in the tzimisce haven...
  12. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Nice I hope it will get more attention over there, I have the feeling it never really caught on here and I know how frustrating that can be as a creator. So from what the wiki says he's very much in the whole "Perfection" shtick can transform his body, control his blood, is hard to take down...
  13. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    As this is Dark Ages I assume you mean "Via Humanity" right? There is a table of "sins" that basically tells one what is "okay" and what not at a given level. https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Road_of_Humanity
  14. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Once every ten years is quite the time span, especially for a mortal peasant. It's reasonable to say that they would only meet the vamp three to five times in their live. The whole idea of the vamp showing up once every decade and dropping gift to those that treated him well (while probably...
  15. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Depends on the vampire I assume. Would look different for a merchant vs a minor lord or a knight. So here is what the V20 Dark Age book has to say, for resource 3: Something to keep in mind, while banks existed as far back as the ancients those weren't the same as what we would imagine today...
  16. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Short answer: Future self stepped through a temporal Iris and shows up. Longer answer with rambling: The secret technique for time traveling into the future: Waiting. More serious the problem with time traveling to the "future" is that the "future" doesn't exist yet. That why all divination...
  17. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Just play the Crusader Kings "Prince of Darkness" mod and you should be good (jk). The V20 Dark Ages book has about everything one would need. I personally like the "old" Dark Age Companion book, it comes with a complete chapter about "faith" and one about "infernalism", so it can be highly...
  18. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Yes and from my understanding a "summoner" makes a "contract" with the "grail" and the "servant" when they summon one. So to steal someones servant I assume you would need to change the contract to be with you instead of the original summoner. At least from my understanding. Space hides you...
  19. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    From my "fanfic" Fate knowledge I would assume some on also would need "Fate Arcana" to summon/steal a servant to form a contract and/or stabilize them by binding them to a "grail" or any other power source. I would say at least level 3 to alter the servant contract so they fight for you instead...
  20. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    ...doing the Crusade to stop a demon from killing all mages around. So if the Hunters got so much more dangerous the Ladder would most likely adapt, they wouldn't like it, but from what we know of how they handled stuff in the past they would do so. *Looks at Knights of Saint George with concern*