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  1. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Not sure if those count as unpopular: I like the new V5 Hunger Dice, they are a great constant reminder about how hungry your char is and really helps give that feeling of the inner beast you can't control and always want to appease. CoD is superior to WoD, but I still like WoD lore more...
  2. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    ...Other: "She is called Eve." Mage: "So?" Other: "Also you just called her she yourself, clearly she is a woman." Mage: "Didn't you listen to anything I just said? Or are you just that dimwitted? I just proven to you that she is a man." *turns away as the discussion is clearly finished*
  3. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I actually started with CK2, played EU4 and AoW3 (I think it was 3), before moving onto to CK3, Stellaris and the newer AoW titles and I stand by my take that those where good games (even if I have to say that I didn't play Stellaris on launch, so it could have been a mess). To be fair I never...
  4. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    ...that is worth 10. A mod that was so popular they gave them early access to ck3 so they could release the mod at the same time as ck3 released. I*m still astound nobody was like "wait, we could made money with this" I never even thought about looking for a love interest in those games. I...
  5. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Jokes on them, half of them are so bad you can't ruin them any futher... (imo). But yeah, if we talk mechanics than all the nWoD stuff is superior to the oWoD. But people like the Lore of the oWoD games more, now 5e combines oWoD mechanics (with some twists that may or not work for you) with...
  6. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Can you run that by me again, maybe it'S because I'm overworked right now, but somehow I'm not sure which part you referring too.
  7. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    So I booted up CK3 on the weekend, including the Princes of Darkness mod, haven't really played that mod since release. Turns out there have been a lot of updates that came out for the mod, since then. It's still as unbalanced as ever (played Goratrix, got learning to 80 and Prowess to 100, as I...
  8. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    We liked to joke in one of my previous Mage games that if it an object in WoD is modern enough to run on electricity there is at least one evil plot connected to it. As technology and modern amenities are evil and are slowly poisoning your soul. Like your fucking toaster could be the source...
  9. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    So the average living qualities for mortals is significant higher than in WoD, nice.
  10. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I don't know why but after taking a look at what the region is, I just imagine it to be Tzimisce lands. Like some Old Clan, Koldun practicing, motherfuckers. (Probably practicing some before unknown Kraina that is similar to the Bialowiza one.) Nobody fucking knows when they got there (maybe a...
  11. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Completly agree that there are no punk groups in V5, just groups that pretend to be punks, but "now you can also rebel against those groups that are supposed to be rebels, so you can punk on the fake!punks that's like punk^2". Wouldn't be surprised if that was their literal thoughts on that...
  12. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    A lot of the writing reminds me of that JK Rowling worldbuilding. Like it's all about trying to invoke a certain feeling but often logic just get lost somewhere on the way. Like the fall of the Tremere is a prime example everyone knows that this doesn't make any sense, but they needed it to go...
  13. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    To be fair, who doesn't get curbstomped by a proper mage? Like on of the reasons why I never made a real DxD Wod xOver is because I couldn't justify how Mages didn't just fuck up everyone.
  14. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    xOver don't count (imo). Even if I really liked the Clavin and Hobbes one, I'm still sad you put it on hiatus. Can't really say much about the other one, when I read FGO in the title I'm like "guess that is not for me" and move on. Fixed it. (jk)
  15. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I feel attacked ... (jk). Tell people to install grammaly or something if they can't get their grammar right. It's more that they are very close to "Modern Scandinavia Neo-Nazis". While I'm not a Werewolf player (I think it's the least interesting splat in oWOD) I of course know some people...
  16. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Just wanted to tell you all that you can pick up the V5E and H5E books for cheap in humble bundle, the one containing all the books is only about 18 bucks. In case someone wants to add those books to their collection. In case someone wants that and has missed the offer.
  17. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Name Pending - Lasombra Obtenebration 3, Potence 1 Made you go through some kind of test before you started dating. While she herself isn't going anymore, her parents were going to church every sundays, so everyone in there still no knows her and is on good terms with her. Wears only black...
  18. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I assume it's this one: https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lxjg67x2
  19. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    The what? ... Looked it up and I'm unsure why those are all new vamps, now older generation ones, guess they wanted high humanity once. If existing vamps are cool (as everyone on the list is a new character I'm not sure about that): Julia from Shadow of New York, has to be the Lasombra one, she...
  20. gereh

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Depends on what you mean by "best". We talking power and or variety V20 is better (by far) if we talk about which one has less stuff that breaks the game it's V5 (simply because there is less stuff), but if you mean "balanced" you probably should look at VTR instead of VTM.