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Search results for query: *

  • Order by date
  1. Hellhound_dow

    Would you bang the avatar above you?

    You can both use mine, but I'll be joining in, too.
  2. TheFallenJedi66

    Ah. Welp, hope you are doing well.

    Ah. Welp, hope you are doing well.
  3. TheMidnightRook

    General chat thread

    The demon already got him, it's just trying to lull us into a false sense of security
  4. Guardian Box

    Video Games General

    Now even getting into the badly written YA novel the plot is, the cutscenes itself are just awful. HW1 and Cataclysm had these classy cutscenes, you didn't even see a single face but the voiceover and quality of writing made them all just ooze with character. HW2 was fine enough as well I...
  5. Silver W. King

    Ah. Sorry to hear that.

    Ah. Sorry to hear that.
  6. d.fish

    seeing a vomit inducing scene

    seeing a vomit inducing scene
  7. SharkCultist

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    So remember that ship of sun and Weiss? Let's go further. The ship of spite. Weiss and Adam. He's happy because it'll piss off Blake, it'll piss off her dad, and if he can keep the relationship stable he'll both turn the schnee bloodline into faunus but also put faunus in a position of power...
  8. EgyptianDio

    Hey, what are the chances of 100 Girlfriends getting an update in the near future?

    Hey, what are the chances of 100 Girlfriends getting an update in the near future?
  9. Silver W. King

    You're old and need help? Or you're drooling?

    You're old and need help? Or you're drooling?
  10. MoonCellNpc

    Would you bang the avatar above you?

    Yours, mine is inaccessible at the moment
  11. d.fish


  12. Hotuko

    Would you bang the avatar above you?

    Your bedroom or mine?
  13. Nickballas

    She's Hanana from the Manga ChichiChichi by Cool Kyou Shinja. Very fun Lady I have to say

    She's Hanana from the Manga ChichiChichi by Cool Kyou Shinja. Very fun Lady I have to say
  14. Merlin

    We are old, the new is like repellent. Personally I don't like it either. Particularly the new...

    We are old, the new is like repellent. Personally I don't like it either. Particularly the new notification system.
  15. ThunderBasilisk

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!

    Kek so wholesome
  16. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!
    Threadmarks: Jaune's Day Comes to an End.

    Things were surprisingly calm in the aftermath of Cinder's departure. Sure Winter had lead a quick yet efficient search of the school's grounds to confirm that Cinder had indeed left, but other than that not much exciting had happened before dinnertime rolled around. They decided as a group to...
  17. The Warg Lord (ASOIAF)(SI)

    Plausible exsplanation.And now,He would be on Oberyn radar.Maybe even one of his doughters would spy on him personally? How lewd !
  18. SleepyRabbit

    Whats your current avatar, it looks "interesting"

    Whats your current avatar, it looks "interesting"
  19. iamweirdo

    A Foray Into Xenobiology

    I'm fascinated to see how far we can explore this world before we die.
  20. Technomancer in MCU #1

    Ed is like a YouTuber reaction content creator, cause that’s all he does in this story, say shit other people are thinking and watch them do stuff, Alfred is literally his replacement why you would do that to your mc? Idk