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Search results for query: *

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  1. SamRand0

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Don’t know why but I had the dark idea that jaune’s mom and sisters wanted to experiment on him but his dad pulled a Kuma and sacrificed himself to be turned into a machine in order to save his son from a similar fate
  2. Fran Gark

    Attack on Titan: Wolfborn
    Threadmarks: 10 - Killzone

    Struggle for Trost Chapter X: Kill Zone The image of the Colossal Titan looming over Wall Maria reappeared in Anja's memory, a nightmare made flesh. She could still feel Heinrik's hand clutching hers as they stared up at the monstrous face, frozen in horror. The memory threatened to...
  3. Zixok774

    I see you switched your profile pic to the Carol one you made, nice! Looks awesome!

    I see you switched your profile pic to the Carol one you made, nice! Looks awesome!
  4. Reimigueru

    Your Story 4 in your snippets thread was really good, and I liked it a lot. Thank you for your...

    Your Story 4 in your snippets thread was really good, and I liked it a lot. Thank you for your time and effort. If you ever have the free time and the inspiration to write, please consider contuining that story. Have a nice year.
  5. Bear_Mint

    XF2 transition feedback

    So for Twitter media embeds, is it just me or is it stuck on a perpetual white screen with the words loading written on it or does it actually show up for anyone else? I seem to recall it working just fine back when XF2 was newly implemented for me but slowly every Twitter post embedded into QQ...
  6. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI

    Your teasing us with the fallout to last chapter. .... Alright, I have a smidgen of respect for the build up, but I really want to see Arianna's comeuppance, and every chapter away from Kings Landing pushes that further back. On the topic of the chapter though. White Walkers always struck me...
  7. Kinematics

    XF2 transition feedback

    From what I can tell, the Light and Dark themes scale fonts appropriately, while the Default, Blackened (all variants), and Lightened themes have fixed font sizes that don't respect the overall site font size.
  8. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Shit that's a good title. I'mma steal it, if you don't mind.
  9. FarmerKyle

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Ooo, that is delightfully dark! Can't lie, when I read the mark title, I thought of a song cover. "We Don't Talk About Ozma." No idea why, just popped into my head.
  10. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts
    Threadmarks: We Don't Talk About Ozma

    Here is a horrifying idea, AU to anything else: The Curious Cat is a Body Snatcher entity in the Ever After, wanting to seize control of the body of a real person to go to the real world. It is capricious, cruel, malevolent, and likes to play games. And who is to say it can't just jump to...
  11. Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    I'm not overvaluing the stakes, she went to a mid-level tournament and expected an easy sweep, you could attribute apathetic indifference to what she's doing at best, she was basically showing off.
  12. Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    I did the most important research for this chapter: pokedb says Nidoran and primeape are compatible in the field group. Clearly we a now know what species Grundy's dad was. By not overvaluing the stakes? This is a local tournament open to a huge range of trainers. Think of a marathon in RL...
  13. iamweirdo

    A Foray Into Xenobiology

    -[X]Simply continue resting. Gain advantage on next roll.
  14. Faralis

    Video Games General

    I still remember the last mission. The music, the enemies, teh fucking difficulty. That was and still is a masterpiece.
  15. Xamusel

    I'm writing a story called Hyoudou Issei and the D&D Beach Trip. I plan to write that on the...

    I'm writing a story called Hyoudou Issei and the D&D Beach Trip. I plan to write that on the website Fiction Live for people there. My goal is to share that in a few days... that's up in the air right now.
  16. Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    It may not have been the intention, and internally you may write Madison as a mature, experienced and compassionate Ranger that did good work, but I have to agree with everything @Artful Lounger said, and ask for myself, how can you reconcile her external actions with the good scout Ranger...
  17. Kalstorm22

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    Great chapter! This is the first time that Issei in any story I have read has truly felt like a protagonist which is a bit funny as he isn't one in this story. I really enjoy seeing him find his principles and something to strive for, the Crimson World Wall was a fantastic statement for Issei as...
  18. shadowdice

    Manga Rec Thread

    I cannot remember the name of the manga but there is a horror manga where two girls move into their mother's hometown. Something in the water there makes it so everyone has the same eyes, which is related to what may or may not be a Mermaid that hangs around. Arcs involving the mother and...
  19. PinkShadowReader

    XF2 transition feedback

    Thank you for your reply. My info was posted using Blackened Green. So is it only default option that have it fixed without an userstyle fix?