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  1. ThedudeManBro

    Snek is a Good Boy [a Worm Crackfic]

    Someone's about to get acquainted to Daddy's belt. Are you ready to get the discipline your narcissistic and superiority complex havin' ass needs, Alice? ... Actually I'm very curious what would happen to Lee if Daddy Magicman "fixes" his actually horrifying existence as a clone of a clone...
  2. ThedudeManBro

    Snek is a Good Boy [a Worm Crackfic]

    Last time Snek had the Munchies, the moon in that world with those twin failures of absentee gods was whole and hale. After Snek sobered up, it was not. Coincidence? I THINK NOT. By the way, did you know the moon isn't made of cheese? We know that now.
  3. ThedudeManBro

    Snek is a Good Boy [a Worm Crackfic]

    Huh. I could swear that the entire "Fuck with Taytay" campaign began and ended with Emma, and Sophia literally gave no shits and was just in it for the ride and to give her homie a hand... Weird.
  4. ThedudeManBro

    Snek is a Good Boy [a Worm Crackfic]

    Snek truly is, the goodest of the Bestest of Good Bois. QQ should have a Holiday for Snek: Snekday, where we release millions of snakes on the site and we all boop their snoots. Wait actually don't-