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Search results for query: *

  1. The Misadventures of Diabolical Amazons [Diablo II]

    The silly story of two politically dogmatic Diablo II Amazons and their misadventures, reported by the patient chronicler and player. We will first follow the progress of Rödluvan (Swedish for Little Red Riding Hood) and Snövit (Swedish for Snow White) as they try to battle their way through the...
  2. Fruits and Berries [Star Wars, The Clone Wars]

    Barriss Offee, murderer and traitor to the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order, has escaped! As the dust settles over Coruscant the inconspicuous Foul Fish jumps to hyperspace and new opportunities with its precious catch. Barriss Offee, the most talented healer the galaxy and more...
  3. The Naughty Jedi [Star Wars, The Clone Wars]

    "What will I get for this?" "What are you buying?" "Extraction from a secure compound. Non-lethal only. Escape from Coruscant and drop-off at a safe location." "Who is the target?" "A Mirialan female, shorter than me and thinly built. She is a former jedi padawan..." Ahsoka Tano has run into a...