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Search results for query: *

  1. Firewillreign

    A Symphony of Ice and Fire (HOTD/The Ice Dragon)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    A crossover AU between House of the Dragon and The Ice Dragon by George RR Martin, because fuck Targryen politics. If you self-destructive assholes want to fight, I'll throw you a goddamn APOCALYPSE!!! Inspired by the fic the Dragons Of Ice and Fire. Before someone crucifies me for starting...
  2. Firewillreign

    He Of The Six Eyes
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Note: This is a little plot bunny my cousin has been begging me to write for nearly two years at this point, so I decided to indulge him because his birthday is in a couple of days and I'm too broke to buy him something expensive XD Might update it again depending on reactions, or might...
  3. Firewillreign

    Of Demigods and Wrackspurts (PJO/HP - Luna Lovegood)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    The Present: On the last day of her life, Luna Lovegood apparated onto the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with a loud crack. Three years ago, she never would have managed it. The millennia-old anti-apparition wards would have bounced her off with contemptuous ease. She...
  4. Firewillreign

    Twilight Of The Dragonknight (PJO/DQ Adventures of Dai)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Twilight of the Dragonknight "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,/Than are dreamt of in your philosophy" Picture this. Within the confines of an ever-growing, timeless omniverse, there is a world. Now this world did not simply come to be, as was often the case with...
  5. Firewillreign

    Invincible Legacies - Or: How Terra and Markus Wreck The Multiverse
    Threadmarks: Rough Landings - Part 1

    Thraxa - The Edge Of The Milky Way 100,000 light-years from Earth Time: Unknown Planet Thraxa was not always the barren, desolate wasteland it is today. Once, Thraza had been a lush, bountiful multi-biome world, and home to a race of beings derivatively known as the Thraxans. The Thraxans...
  6. Firewillreign

    Arcane (MCU/Anodite SI)
    Threadmarks: The Multiverse Of Madness - Part 1

    The Multiverse Of Madness - Part 1 Oh thank god Dr. Stephen Strange looked at the demonic abomination tearing up central New York with barely hidden relief. He was well aware that wasn't a very...standard response to a gargantuan octopus like monster (damn, his life was weird) tearing...
  7. Firewillreign

    Ikaris : Rebirth (MCU/DCU)
    Index: Synoposis

    Ikaris did not simply fly too close to the sun. He flew straight into it's heart, seeking an end to all that he was and ever would be. But a being born of a Celestial is not so easily sundered, and no matter how much he may have wished for it, the tale of the fallen Eternal does not end there...