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Search results for query: *

  1. Vtorc

    Divinity (X-Men/Marvel) (Reality Warping SI)
    Threadmarks: Chapter One

    This story is inspired by many fanfics and comics such as the fanfic; A Crooked Man and Extraordinary Life (X-Men OC), comics like; Valiant Divinity, Divine Right, and Dr. Solar. Of course, I don't dare to think what I write is even a taste compared to the works above but this is merely me...
  2. Vtorc

    To Speak the Arcane (Arcane/League of Legends/High Schoo DxD)
    Threadmarks: A Clichéd Arrival

    Zaun Alleys "Huh?" I blinked as the scenery abruptly changed from my comfy room to a dark-looking alley. My face automatically scrunched while I pinched my nose at the fetid odor in the air. Well, I suppose that shouldn't have been much of a surprise considering how unhygienic this place...
  3. Vtorc

    Devil Devil (A Vasto Lorde SI in Chainsaw Man)
    Threadmarks: I am a What? In What?!

    "Alright… What's this?" Opening my eyes, I spied a look around and nodded to myself. "Ah, it's that kind of troupe, isn't it?" I nodded sagely as if the answer has already been revealed to me at first glance. After all, the troupe couldn't have been more obvious. "Opening your eyes...
  4. Vtorc

    Chimeric Eminence: A New Adventure (Fate x Overlord)
    Threadmarks: Little Miracles

    "Kid, got any idea on what the Multiverse theory is all about?" Coughing weakly, the child dressed in a hospital gown eyed the very much older man before him. "In a way… I've seen something like that in the comics my grandpa used to read for me." "Good!" Clapping childishly, the old man...
  5. Vtorc

    Gaming to the Top (Highschool DxD Gamer MC)
    Threadmarks: Small Origins

    "When's this blasted rain going to stop?" Motohama grumbly mumbled, pulling out his glasses to clean them as they had begun to fog due to the water vapor. Cold is always a massive bitch for someone as visually impaired as he is, especially during the raining seasons or cold mornings -...