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Search results for query: *

  1. TanaNari

    Midara: Requiem [High Fantasy Necromancer fun]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1, Episode 0

    Suggested Listening Morning on a farm was always busy, but this morning was worse than most. Yesterday's storm had come with only minutes of warning, as spring storms were wont to do, but this one had a rare ferocity that ripped shingles from the roofs and saw animals lost in weather that...
  2. TanaNari

    Price: Death of a Hero
    Threadmarks: Preface

    Throughout history there have been stories of those blessed with great power. Heroes and gods, villains and daemons. But behind the myth and legend, a grain of truth hides. Men who could rend steel with their bare hands, wise women able to turn simple woodland fare into miracle cures. Through...
  3. TanaNari

    After Amelia

    *Slow breath*. Yeah. Amelia's over, and now I have to think about what to do next and how to do it. I feel confident enough in my writing now to start my own, original, fiction. Amelia was always meant to be a learning experience- the learning experience- for me. A playground where I was...
  4. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]
    Threadmarks: Chapter Index

    Thanks to Flukes for the artwork seen above. http://archiveofourown.org/works/3998737/chapters/8979811 - Thanks to Insignia33 for creating an AO3 of the story. And for those who are just recently discovering this story? Feel free to send me a PM, let me know who sent you? Also feel free to...