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Search results for query: *

  1. Alexander

    My Light Novel Isekai Story is Stressful As Expected (Eiyuu Senki Friend Insert ft. NekoNekoBoy)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Thunderstruck

    Author's Note: A "friend insert" is similar to a "self insert", except that the former has zero knowledge of the setting they're being oh so gracefully shoved into, unlike the latter. I have been inspired by the great work of BakaSmurf and luckychaos on SB, and NekoNekoBoy was more than wiling...
  2. Alexander

    Did you hear that more Problem Children are co-they are who?! (Mondaiji/Multicross) (DEAD)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Originally posted on Spacebattles: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/did-you-hear-that-more-problem-children-are-co-they-are-who-mondaiji-multicross.396871 Soon on Sufficient Velocity too. Summary: In which the Fantasy Killer, an impartial Non-Equal and a young King of Heroes band...
  3. Alexander

    Hereditas Daemonica [Shin Megami Tensei X DxD] (DEAD)

    Hyodo Issei. That is my name. My parents and guys at school call me "Ise". I'm a second year high school student who is currently experiencing the time of his youth. After all, I'm famous for being really lecherous: I even got accused of peeping inside the Girls Kendo Club's changing room. Of...