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Search results for query: *

  1. Scopas

    Triune Nindō (Naruto/Taimanin/Girls und Panzer)

    Story concept: Fusion fic between Naruto, Action Taimanin, and Girls und Panzer. The Rookie Nine from Naruto are all aged up to 16 because throwing 12 year olds into active combat is absurd and Team Gai are 17, but the story otherwise starts a few months before the events of Naruto Episode 1...
  2. Scopas

    A Young Girl's Guerilla War
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: An Inauspicious Beginning

    (In light of the recent threadlock on SB, I figured I'd take the opportunity to cross-post this story here as well. It is also on FF and AO3.) Chapter 1: An Inauspicious Beginning (AN: I am very much looking for a beta reader, or at least an editor. I had this idea and I wanted to write...
  3. Scopas

    Clone Senki or The Cloneya Wars QQ-Fork (Open Round Robin) (Star Wars x Youjo Senki)
    Threadmarks: Opening Infopost

    Posting with permission from FallQM, this is a fork from the Space Battles Cloneya thread for any content inspired by the original concept that doesn't comply with the community rules of SB. I will repost the first few chapters just to give anybody interested here a taste of the original...