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Search results for query: *

  1. dhazellouise

    Taylor's Guide to Travelling with S-Class Threats (Sleeper/Taylor/Ash Beast)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Summary: Twenty Years old Taylor Hebert triggers but she is uncertain of what her power truly is until she starts travelling. When she first goes to Russia, she meets a strange man who likes to read a book out loud to himself. Taylor speaks to him first, not knowing that her presence will...
  2. dhazellouise

    The Kingdom Beyond the Wall [HP x ASOIAF Crossover]
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Summary: Harriet Potter as a Master of Death has been traveling dimensions for thousands of years. She has built many kingdoms and has been gathering resources and magic and technology in each world. Now, she discovers the world called Planetos where she intends to create another magical...
  3. dhazellouise

    The Master Summoner (WORM AU: Alt-Power, Crossovers)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    . . . . . Taylor Hebert was screaming. She was crying. She was pounding at the locker doors for help until she could feel her palms and knuckles flaring with pain at the abuse. She was scared witless and furious for being pushed into a locker full of toxic waste. But most of all, she was...
  4. dhazellouise

    The Mender and The Butcher (WORM AU: Taylor, Butcher)

    Summary: Other than her hidden Master power, Taylor Hebert has the power to mend or destabilize parahumans due to the main function of her Queen Administrator shard. For this reason, many have approached her to either improve or mend their shards capability, even Villains. So it’s no surprise to...
  5. dhazellouise

    Black Knight, White Queen, Golden God (Worm AU: Jacob, Taylor, Scion)

    Summary: Jacob Black triggers when he is ten and gets a half-functioning Broadcast shard. Other than his deadly ability, he discovers that he is also able to communicate with another noble shard as well and meets the Queen Administrator’s host, a girl named Taylor, in Shardspace, not knowing...
  6. dhazellouise

    A Kingdom of Blood and Bones (WORM AU: Queen of Villains!Taylor)
    Threadmarks: His First Descent (PAST: YEAR 2011)

    Summary: After Eden views a different future, she sets a path for Taylor Hebert to use her Queen Administrator shard to its full potential as the Supervillain named Persephone, who has no qualms in ruling most of the Villain Groups in America. Eden does this for the girl to incite an...
  7. dhazellouise

    When Heartbreaker is My Personal Fanboy (WORM: Time-Travel, Weaver!Taylor/Teen!Heartbreaker)

    Taylor softly taps her booted foot on the pavement. She knows that her patrol partner hasn't arrived yet just base from the bugs that she placed in various locations within her five block range. She can sense her bugs surveying the area for potential threats and detecting her partner's arrival...
  8. dhazellouise

    Everyday with You (WORM AU: Everyday Alt-Power, Older!Taylor/Male Multi-ships)
    Threadmarks: Everyday (With Uber)

    Summary: Taylor Hebert triggers later in life and gains a strange but obscure power, wherein Everyday she wakes up in a different body and in an alternate time or reality where she has some of the most interesting interactions with notorious Villains or famous Heroes. Sometimes she lands in the...
  9. dhazellouise

    When Our Roles are Reverse (WORM: GM AU, Role Reversal, Entity!Taylor/Human!Scion)

    Summary: When Scion is fatally wounded by Khepri, something bizarre and unexpected happens. A drastic change occurs through Taylor. Everything becomes reverse and Taylor Hebert finds herself with a new role. And Scion? He's still alive but now completely human with the power of the King...
  10. dhazellouise

    When a Queen and Emperor Collide (WORM: Time-Travel, Khepri!Taylor/Teen!Kaiser)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Summary: In desperate need to stop Scion before he attacks, Taylor Hebert, or Khepri, is sent to the past to stop him with Phir Se’s help during Gold Morning. As a result, she ends up in the year 1994, but unexpectedly lands in the middle of a baseball game, where Max Anders is playing...
  11. dhazellouise

    Entirely Yours (WORM: Post-GM, Khepri!Taylor/Amnesiac!Lung)
    Threadmarks: Mangoes

    Summary: Scion is dead and Taylor Hebert - or Khepri - has to deal with the aftermath. She learns that her mind is no longer deteriorating and soon discovers why. Now, Taylor is stuck with an amnesiac Lung, whom she feels responsible for and she hopes he won't mind if she brings him along in her...
  12. dhazellouise

    The Queen and her Dragon (WORM: Post-GM, Khepri!Taylor/Lung)
    Threadmarks: The Badass Cook

    Summary: After killing Scion, Taylor Hebert or Khepri escapes into another earth. However, she also ends up bringing another person with her due to the Queen Administrator’s insistence. For some unknown reason, it seems her shard has completely latch unto a certain Villain with the intent of...