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Search results for query: *

  • Users: AntonioCC
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. AntonioCC

    Threadmarks: Chapter One

    MoonGate. Chapter One Disclaimer: Sailor Moon created by Naoko Takeuchi and owned by Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha. Stargate is property of MGM Spoilers: Sailor Moon, roughly to Sailor Moon S, and elements of Sailor Moon SuperS and the Dreams arc from the manga (I’m mixing and matching...
  2. AntonioCC

    Danni's story (BtVS/Trek)
    Threadmarks: Chapter One: A life turned upside down

    Danni's story Chapter 1: A life turned upside down Disclaimer: Star Trek in all its incarnations and all related characters are property of Paramount Pictures and CBS Studios. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and all related characters were created and are owned by Joss Whedon. Star Trek, and...
  3. AntonioCC

    Flight of the Rogue (X-Men/Others)
    Threadmarks: Chapter One: Events Derailed

    Flight of the Rogue Chapter One: Events Derailed Disclaimer: all characters are property of their respective owners. Spoilers: big spoilers for X-Men: Evolution season 1 episode "Rogue Recruit" Author Note: this version of Rogue and other X-Men related characters are from the X-Men Evolution...
  4. AntonioCC

    The Onslaught War (Amalgam Comics)
    Threadmarks: Part 1: The Onslaught War #1

    The Onslaught War Disclaimer: all character are property of their respective owners. Spoilers: general spoilers for the Amalgam Comics line Author Note: This was originally written in 2003, and as such based on the DC and Marvel universes as they existed at the time. Also, it's written as...
  5. AntonioCC

    To Be a Hero: Fall from Grace (Green Lantern Corps/GotG)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Light s in the sky

    I'm going to start to post this side story to Family on its own thread. Fall From Grace Chapter 1: Lights in the Sky Disclaimer: all characters are property of their respective owners. Spoilers: Green Lantern (comic) general spoilers, and Guardians of the Galaxy (movie) spoilers...
  6. AntonioCC

    To Be a Hero: Last Son of Krypton (Superman)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Last Day of Krypton, Part 1

    Okay, this is a repost of of one of the Side Stories of To Be a Hero: Family, detailing the backstory of Superman in the fic universe. Last Son of Krypton Part 1: Last Day of Krypton Chapter 1 Disclaimer: all character are property of their respective owners. Spoilers: general spoilers...
  7. AntonioCC

    To Be a Hero: Family
    Threadmarks: Family.01

    To Be a Hero: Family Chapter 1: Meeting Cousins Disclaimer: all characters are property of their respective owners. Spoilers: to season 7 of Buffy (I'm not including the season 8+ comics in this continuity), general spoilers for Batman and mild spoilers for X-Men: Evolution season 1...
  8. AntonioCC

    Ancient Moon (Sailor Moon/Stargate SG1) v. 2.0
    Threadmarks: Index

    This is a revision of the story posted originally in SB and SV. If you are familiar with the original version, you may have noted that I have changed a few things. Later chapters will have greater changes, due to changes in the backstory. Index Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter...
  9. AntonioCC

    Snippets, Omakes and Short Stories
    Threadmarks: Index

    This thread is for what says in the title. I write a lot, but I'm not very focused, and some stories may languish for months before I revisit them. Index Family (Buffy/Marvel/DC) This is part of a story that as I indicates is a crossover between Buffy and versions of the Marvel and DC...
  10. AntonioCC

    Amuro Quest: QQ edition (Gundam/Super Robot Wars OG)
    Threadmarks: 1. Choices, Choices

    Index Choices, choices Soaring Dragon (I) Soaring Dragon (II) Soaring Dragon (III) Once more in the breach Battle and beyond Interlude 1: Time to come Aye, aye, Captain Unexpected visitor The Talk (no, not that one) Many Questions and Few Answers Geeks Newsflash Exposition (I) Exposition...