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Search results for query: *

  1. Would you rather studios just stop constant making new a Isekia`s every season, or start having characters inserted into know franchises instead?

    A lot of people (me included) seem a bit tired of how many Isekia`s that keep popping up. (A lot of fantasy world with mundane skills being overpowered, or just slice of life comedy) This in-turn, made want to ask others thoughts on how new stories could be made while reusing older or misused...
  2. Should COD crossover with books for their games: like Starship Trooper, or War of The worlds?
    Threadmarks: Call for cod, More then Advance Warfare

    I also think old movies like The Day the Earth Stood Still, or a proper game to The Thing would be great; doesn`t need to be word-for-word, just close enough to work for a adaptation. Just want less weak plotlines and more cool toys to play with really. Dune could work out well if they keep it...
  3. Bethesda`s simplification and rectification needed for ES6

    This is not me trying for a hate thread or a echo chamber; I`m merely fed up with Bethesda`s constant cutting of corners with game development and their poor decision making when it come to "innovations" for their games. To that end I am setting out a list of issue that have been going on for...