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Search results for query: *

  1. Lady Vanatos

    I, Schnee: Or How I Bring Home A Faunus BF to Piss Off Daddy [RWBY SI/OC]
    Threadmarks: I Bring My Faunus BF to the Ball Party.

    Crossposted from from my snippets thread on Spacebattles. “You’re being silly,” Whitney Schnee stated to her boyfriend as she fixed her makeup in the car mirror. “I absolutely am not. This is a terrible idea.” Clyde deadpanned. “I just think you're nervous. That’s fine, tis the first time...
  2. Lady Vanatos

    Pay Me and I'll Tell Everyone We're Dating (Rent-A-Girlfriend SI)
    Threadmarks: "I Go On A Date With A Cherry Boy After Being Isekai'd to Animu Japan"

    This fic is a product of seething hatred for Kazuya. Don't take it seriously. This story also won't be long. 3 chapters tops. So, enjoy the ride I guess. Sometimes, Vanessa tried to convince herself that as a "rental girlfriend" she's providing a much-needed service to lonely, socially...
  3. Lady Vanatos

    I Can Scream Once More (FGO/I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Authors Note: So, uh I haven't written a story in like, 4 years so yeah feedback I guess. Didn't like it? Rip me a new one, who knows, I might end up liking it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Had posted this in the Nasuverse thread on QQ and decided to bit the bullet and post it here and on FF.net. Also, this is...