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  • Users: Xamusel
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Xamusel

    I'm having trouble with my avatar right now

    What's bugging me is that, for some odd reason, I haven't been able to change my avatar for this site to be anything but the default. What's wrong with my profile that makes it impossible for the change to occur? Could someone please look into it? Thank you. EDIT: Okay, not sure what happened...
  2. Xamusel

    A simple question

    Where am I supposed to put a thread for any commissions I end up writing for everyone's benefit? ...for clarity's sake, I'm trying to earn a bit of cash from my writing, and I don't know where to best advertise that. Is there a place where I can do such a thing on this forum?
  3. Xamusel

    Is it possible to add support for Ruby Text?

    I'm asking this because I have a story that I'm working on that requires the Ruby Text feature. If I don't have it, it won't make much sense for the way the story text works, at least on some occasions.
  4. Xamusel

    [RPG] Hitori ja nai (Harry Potter/Gundam Build Fighters/Gundam metaverse)
    Threadmarks: Story Post 0-1

    QM's notes: In commemoration of the yet to be released Build Fighters season, plus... well, I just wanted to give Harry a chance to try something that might as well run on something akin to magic. I mean, that's essentially what the Plavsky Crystals are doing, right? Correct me if I'm wrong...
  5. Xamusel

    Issei the Gaming Pathfinder (High School DxD/The Gamer/Mythology/????)

    Table of Contents Character Sheets and whatever else fits the mold of RPGs Achievements Level 0 Post 1 Level 0 Post 2 Level 0 Post 3 Level 0 Post 4 Level 0 Post 5 (More to be added over time)