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Search results for query: *

  • Users: JadeKaiser
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. JadeKaiser

    QQ Minecraft server? Interest check/discussion, what modpack, etc.

    Pre-script EDIT: Apparently, there actually IS already a QQ Minecraft server. Strange that I missed it when I was checking for such a thing, it has all the things I was searching by. Oh well. Might still be looking to start a second, modded one though. Probably not all out of my own pocket, but...
  2. JadeKaiser

    Will Work For Food[ZnT/Accidental Magical Girl CYOA][SI]

    A young man-turned-magical monster girl is summoned to act as a familiar when the closing of a demonic portal goes wrong. That's fine though; she's more than happy to have someone else to foot her grocery bill. This fic uses the Accidental Magical Girl CYOA, version 1.51 and the optional...
  3. JadeKaiser

    Faewood Quest(Mirrored from SB)[original setting]
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    This is to be a mirror of my quest over on Spacebattles, so that any NSFW discussion and such can be done here by those who want it, due to my feeling like I have been pushing close to the line a few times. I asked the players there what their opinion was on the matter, and they agreed that it...