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Search results for query: *

  1. NumberSix


  2. NumberSix

    Noice and wholesome foxxo, unlike some Foxxo sluts people simp for. :cool: 😆

    Noice and wholesome foxxo, unlike some Foxxo sluts people simp for. :cool: 😆
  3. NumberSix

    Physical or downloaded? Also, from your avatar I can tell you are a person of culture.

    Physical or downloaded? Also, from your avatar I can tell you are a person of culture.
  4. NumberSix

    For those who fell in the name of democracy (Helldivers 2)

    Aaand Soyny caved because big daddy Valve got the paddle and got ready to spank it.
  5. NumberSix

    For those who fell in the name of democracy (Helldivers 2)

    Sony is one of the companies with the worst possible reputation. People should really stop attributing to malicious 4d chess conspiracy that which can be explained by simple, short-signed stupidity. Their exclusives are crap, they are well known for limiting fan service and being assholes...
  6. NumberSix

    For those who fell in the name of democracy (Helldivers 2)

    Looks like Soyny screwed over people by making accounts for this game mandatory. Oh, well, refunds time. Meanwhile, the score for the game went from overwhelmingly positive to mostly negative in a day.
  7. NumberSix

    You got the avatar, now write some Maomao stories, preferably ones where prettyboy chokes on his...

    You got the avatar, now write some Maomao stories, preferably ones where prettyboy chokes on his own spit and Maomao has some skinship with the 3 princesses. And maybe have Maomao find a magical cure for Fengxian, too!
  8. NumberSix

    Fanfic Search Thread

    We have a thread about ASoIaF fanfics right here: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/game-of-thrones-a-song-of-ice-and-fire-fic-recs-ideas-and-discussion.3675/ You should check there, too.
  9. NumberSix

    Sorry for the edit quoting, didn't see your reply at first. :D

    Sorry for the edit quoting, didn't see your reply at first. :D
  10. NumberSix

    Fanfic Search Thread

    I am looking for a very old Evangelion fanfic where Asuka was abducted by one of the members of SEELE and her behavior was "corrected" with the help of drugs, sensory deprivation and other forms of conditioning until she was turned into a perfect toy for the old bastard.
  11. NumberSix

    A Young Girl's Guerilla War

    The perfect waifu for Lelouch doesn't exi... FORGET WHAT I SAID!!!! In any case, I read through part of the first chapter, or rather, skimmed through parts, but you have Tanya's personality down perfectly. Keep up the good work.
  12. NumberSix

    We are talking on another forum, yeah, I am the one that needs to apologize.I did not realize...

    We are talking on another forum, yeah, I am the one that needs to apologize.I did not realize you had the same name on both. ;)
  13. NumberSix

    Literally the same what?

    Literally the same what?
  14. NumberSix

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All
