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Search results for query: *

  1. Battletech: The Ghost Who Walks (Battletech Isekai)

    Since Shepard is in the area (Periphery, Aurigan nation), will he end up finding the Argo at Axylus? Using the Argo to then raid another SLDF facility and grab the sweet, sweet loot which as a HAF / CID agent he should theoretically be allowed to take. Maybe seduce a couple of pretty local...
  2. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Knowing Palpy? It'd probably be one of his final f*** you contingencies that the /good/ stuff that was looted from the Federation techbase is locked away in some super secret archive with a copy stashed into his personal holocron. Just as an additional up yours to /any/ light sider or...
  3. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    If the MC knows that this is what's likely to happen to the normal staffers in the Palace, then would she grab them before the "liberation" of Coruscant? As well as looting the leftovers of the Jedi Temple stuff, and or Archives? Try to recruit some of the leftover Inquisitors and maybe a few...
  4. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    It's meant to be a tool for fast terraforming. Yes, I know that it was brought up in movie that it can be used as a weapon to destroy then create at the same time. What I meant was that since it's the project data turned over at the moment. It can be used to probably do small Stage 2 Genesis...
  5. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Palpy could use the genesis tech data to enhance / upgrade the terraforming technology available in the Star Wars / Star Trek techbases. Doing so and using it for demonstration purposes on old bombed out dead worlds from the Clone Wars era and before, could buy him lots of cheap (on an...
  6. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Could be HP style wizards who were supposedly exterminated during the Eugenics War / WW3 afterwards.
  7. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    From the way things have been written so far, it sounds like it's like 3-5+ years(ish) post Clone Wars. Since the MC has knowledge of what's supposed to come, I wonder if she will hunt down some Jedi survivors and have them smuggled to her new territory. Maybe to a quiet former Federation...