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Search results for query: *

  1. Raphiel

    Tricks [Halloween/Highschool DxD]

    He's a little goofy. A little mischievous guy.
  2. Raphiel

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]

    Sleeper finally has a moment of clarity, past simple inane tasks and the mundanity of repetitive life. Good on him.
  3. Raphiel

    What Do You Call a Benevolent and Reasonable Person in Xianxia? An Impossibility!

    He seems like a nice kid. In this socio-economic state? Impossible, must be a heaven-grade illusion Dou technique.
  4. Raphiel

    Got off the school grind, time to actually get off! Dammit, thought this was the little thing...

    Got off the school grind, time to actually get off! Dammit, thought this was the little thing below my name, how do I delete this?
  5. Raphiel

    Live Streaming for Power (Worm CYOA V17)

    I actually really like this idea! Variations of it are interesting as well! The theme of an overarching powerhouse being viewed as they publicize their shit live on stream can lead to both comedic and intriguing moments
  6. Raphiel

    Of Demigods and Wrackspurts (PJO/HP - Luna Lovegood)

    Damn, I kinda wanted to see that fight. Sun Fury Apollo against Bounty Hunter Ares.
  7. Raphiel

    Of Demigods and Wrackspurts (PJO/HP - Luna Lovegood)

    Thanatos is very unhappy with you, dearest daughter >:( Watch out, before he catches you and tickles the stupid out of you into Styx.
  8. Raphiel

    Childhood friend of a Dark Lord (YS x HP)

    Can't wait to see how Tanya uses native american rituals!
  9. Raphiel

    Childhood friend of a Dark Lord (YS x HP)

    Goodbye, American stock market monopolies! Hello, two random rich children with fake paper trails who regularly take excursions to learn more about different types of magic!
  10. Raphiel

    Yep. Preta from Suicide Hunter

    Yep. Preta from Suicide Hunter
  11. Raphiel

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]

    WOOOOO ASHLEY! Not who I expected, (I expected Ciara before you said rogue, then I had no clue) but even better than anything I could've imagined.
  12. Raphiel

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]

    Classic Panache. Never goes wrong.
  13. Raphiel

    Herbs and Spices (Worm Altpower)

    lol this might be a worse punishment than console duty and tinker restrictions, Taylor is the type to hate social interaction
  14. Raphiel

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

    Fuckin' Tattletale. She's just asking to be eviscerated. No matter her reasons for pulling Taylor in, no matter what she supposedly saw in Taylor, it only reminds me that even if you were suicidal like Reggie, she would use you. Remember that Worm is told from an unreliable narrator, Taylor is...
  15. Raphiel

    It Is Alright To Use Spiral Power In A Dungeon (TTGL X Danmachi Crossover)

    Also it’s implied that a