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  • Users: Dsaeg
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  1. Abyssal Stays Home [KC SI]

    As far as I remember nothing in particular. Just being itself.
  2. Only Human (Goddess of Victory NIKKE SI)

    I think we have the case where while Joe is not tactical/strategic genius, he spent a lot of time with several of them and it rubbed off on him just enough. Scarlet said herself that they lost at least some memory of him. I think the whole figurehead leader was only the beginning of his...
  3. Only Human (Goddess of Victory NIKKE SI)

    What's Dorothy state of mind was in canon? I mean if she thinks that he is imposter and a really good one (considering that he lost his memories)then she can go murder mode on him. And hoo boy if there is no other goddesses to stop her then he is screwed. And rapi can't help here.
  4. Only Human (Goddess of Victory NIKKE SI)

    This is going to be one hell of an awkward meeting. Or even straight up hostile one if there are any misunderstandings. To be honest I have no knowledge about nikke because it is too horny for me but I like this world thanks to this fic and to the author.
  5. Only Human (Goddess of Victory NIKKE SI)

    Considering self sabotage in regards of commanders it is not a surprise that nikke quality will be sabotaged as well. Although resource scarity might play a role in that.
  6. Benevolent librarian

    Benevolent librarian