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Search results for query: *

  1. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 30: Plucking Narcissus, Part 2

    Ruby Haze Chapter 30: Plucking Narcissus, Part 2 When one guy declared to the other that they're not going to stop fighting until at least one of them was dead, that tended to be when the conversation ended. Mighty and I were past the point of talking this out, staged to duel in an active...
  2. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]

    Update! I had to go back and make some revisions to Chapter 29 because the part with Metal Sonic and the SI was difficult to parse. Not just for readers, but for me on a reread. So I went back, and it should be easier to tell what's going on there. Now I can work on the next one!
  3. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]
    Extras: Datafile #3: Golden Hive Colony

    ENTRY #3: GOLDEN HIVE COLONY A beautiful flower on Northamer’s western coast, the Golden Hive Colony is a city state whose contemporary existence is rooted in the most recent Day of Fury, in the early 3100s. The Queen Bee Dynasty is rumored to go as far back as the Forgotten Wars, though with...
  4. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 29: Plucking Narcissus, Part 1

    Ruby Haze Chapter 29: Plucking Narcissus, Part 1 It'd been quite a while since I'd had to deal with performance anxiety. Usually, it kicked up something fierce before I was about to run a session of one of my regular campaigns, if I knew the stakes that night were going to be particularly...
  5. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]

    I take my April Fools very seriously! Same with the bonus chapters. I'll consider it, but I may not revisit Ruby Underground for a while. Main story first, bonus chapters later. It'd be one of those "we'll see when the mood strikes again" things, though knowing people would like to see more is...
  6. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]
    Threadmarks: Ruby Underground [Non-Canon Bonus]

    Ruby Haze Chapter 29: Plucking Narcissus The surface of Angel Island, covered end-to-end in autumnal forests and hostile wildlife, was only one layer of the mysterious landmass that has eluded the denizens of Mobius for generations. Finding the place was a challenge, considering how often it...
  7. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]
    Extras: Datafile #2: Mobian Religions

    ENTRY #2: MOBIAN RELIGIONS AUTHOR NOTE: Any resemblances these fictional religions may have to any real-world religions, while obviously not coincidental, are not worth the headache of bringing up in the thread. Let’s not, shall we? I’d appreciate it. The world of Mobius has several religions...
  8. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]
    Extras: Datafile #1: Post-Xorda Fauna (Mobians and Mobini)

    RUBY HAZE DATAFILES ENTRY #1: POST-XORDA FAUNA The Quaternary-Mobian Extinction Event in PXE 0000 led to the extermination of 99.9% of all lifeforms preceding it. All life on the surface of the Earth was disintegrated into a slurry of biomatter, which congealed and evolved into new species at...
  9. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 28: Knuckles Dust Off

    Ruby Haze Chapter 28: Knuckles Dust Off My first interaction with Knuckles the Echidna was one I’d been dreading as an inevitability for quite some time. Almost as badly as I’d been worrying when I’d meet another ‘person of interest’ like Sonic, Tails, or Sally. What would I say when it...
  10. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 27: Ring and a Prayer

    Ruby Haze Chapter 27: Ring and a Prayer It was an agonizingly long time until the sun rose over Angel Island. After Fiona and Heavy caught us up on what they saw out there, we planned to sleep in shifts. However, with Vector as hurt as he was, the robots not needing to sleep, and Fiona too...
  11. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 26: The Mislaid Plans

    Ruby Haze Chapter 26: The Mislaid Plans Fiona Fox thought of herself as a schemer at heart. Someone to whom deception and trickery came to her as naturally as breathing. It was not an instinct that Fiona thought she had in her when she was just a dumb kid. Before she realized that the only...
  12. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 25: Chaos Coming Out (of a Pumpkin’s Head)

    Ruby Haze Chapter 25: Chaos Coming Out (of a Pumpkin's Head) I am a dragon now. It was one of the more coherent thoughts I'd been able to string together since I started chasing that Metal Sonic to whatever topological fixture was spewing green lights and smoke on the far side of Angel...
  13. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]
    Threadmarks: All Along the Space Colony [Non-Canon Bonus]

    All Along the Space Colony Non-Canon Bonus “What island is that, Maria?” My younger brother and I were planetgazing, through the long windows of the austere observation deck of the ARK. I liked coming out here to relax, though I was less enthused about the fact that Shadow had to drag me out...
  14. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]

    "It was self defense!" Florida is a state of madness. That much is true. Thanks! It frequently takes a lot of practice and working with a character for me to get their "voice" down. Other times, it just clicks. Then I need to double-check my work before I post the next chapter, just to make...
  15. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]
    Extras: Mania Mode: UNLEASHED

    New art for the new chapter! Put in spoiler bars for image size and to build suspense. This art is brought to you by NoniTheArtist!
  16. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 24: Red Versus Blue

    Ruby Haze Chapter 24: Red Versus Blue My rose-tinted memories of Angel Island were no longer smelling like roses. It's only been a few hours since those Egg Robos and Big Arms almost got me. Only a day or two since the Fire Breath. Now here I was, pinned to a ferris wheel by one of Eggman’s...
  17. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 23: Where the Boardwalk Ends

    Ruby Haze Chapter 23: Where the Boardwalk Ends We relocated to the command center of the Launch Base, which was in the biggest of the yellow forts that doubled as the facility’s powerhouse. Putting the lack of a Death Egg aside, this place functioned as Robotnik’s temporary headquarters during...
  18. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 22: Lo-Spec Robo Go!

    Ruby Haze Chapter 22: Lo-Spec Robo Go! Time ground to a halt as I considered my options for how to resolve the problem of a bunch of Egg Robos crawling out of the ironwork to kill us. It wasn’t an act of chaos control; I hadn’t cracked that move yet. Rather, I was able to reap the benefits of...
  19. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 21: Touching Base

    Ruby Haze Chapter 21: Touching Base “Are we there yet?” The island that was steadily coming into view was astonishing in its beauty and scope. Lush with natural life, the nearest half of the landscape that I could see was covered in thick, tropical jungles. Another third was consumed by a...
  20. weredrago2

    Ruby Haze [Archie Sonic SI]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 20: After Dark

    Ruby Haze Chapter 20: After Dark The planet Mobius, which was likely Earth before some catastrophe or another, had thus far thrown a lot of challenges at me. I fell from space. I’ve fought hordes of evil robots who would gleefully shoot me down or ram me through if given the chance, and they...