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Search results for query: *

  1. Dunno.

    Shirou, Blade of Emiya

    I mixed up benevolent with malevolent. Sorry about that.
  2. Dunno.

    Shirou, Blade of Emiya
    Threadmarks: 10: Shattered Grail.

    Chapter 10: First Quest (3/3) - Shattered Grail. "Is something wrong?" I asked my company as we patrolled the outskirts of town. "A battle is happening over there." She lifted her hand, pointing eastward. "I must go, I shall return once it's over." Gazing into the direction she pointed, I...
  3. Dunno.

    Shirou, Blade of Emiya
    Threadmarks: 9: House husband Emiya.

    Chapter 9: First Quest (2/3) - House husband Emiya. As I placed a clean set of plates back in the cupboards, Jeanne idled in the living room watching the television. "Due to the recent string of murders, officials has warned the people that a possible serial killer might be on the loose. Make...
  4. Dunno.

    Shirou, Blade of Emiya
    Threadmarks: 8: A pair of Saints.

    Chapter 8: First Quest (1/3) - A pair of Saints. As the sun broke through the horizon, bringing light across Fuyuki's cityscape, I sat on the porch while Sakura stood behind me, comb in hand. She brushed my lengthy hair, her touch gentle yet firm before tying the lower half into a fine braid...
  5. Dunno.

    Shirou, Blade of Emiya
    Threadmarks: 7: A moment of peace.

    Chapter 7: A moment of peace. Inside an enormous kirk situated at the heart of the Vatican, bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, two men stood before a magnificent cross, the symbol of their faith, with their heads tilted in reverent worship. "The Lord has given me directions," spoke a...
  6. Dunno.

    Shirou, Blade of Emiya
    Threadmarks: 6: Extermination.

    Chapter 6: Extermination. As night broke across Fuyuki, I emerge from my room with newfound determination coursing through my veins. Tonight was the night where my plans came into fruition. Before that however, there was one last thing I needed to do. Opening a sliding door, my entry into...
  7. Dunno.

    Shirou, Blade of Emiya
    Threadmarks: 5: Time skip.

    Chapter 5: Time skip. In the secluded yard of the Emiya residence, a small workshop, formerly an ordinary shed turned smithy, hummed with rhythmic clang of metal against metal. Inside, a young man with crown braided auburn hair worked diligently, his hands moved expertly shaping glowing metal...
  8. Dunno.

    Shirou, Blade of Emiya
    Threadmarks: 4: Training.

    Chapter 4: Training. The bell sung its melodic tune, signaling the end of today's school activities. Thankfully, I wasn't on cleaning duty, so I was allowed to leave immediately. Many of the students barreled out of the gates and ran into their guardians, while I continued walking without...
  9. Dunno.

    Shirou, Blade of Emiya
    Threadmarks: 3: A withering flower.

    Chapter 3: A withering flower. "Shirou… is it ready yet?" A young woman's tired voice sounded from the living room. "In a moment, so stop whining." I replied while keeping my hands busy. They danced between countertops, deftly chopping vegetables with practiced precision. The sizzle of onions...
  10. Dunno.

    Shirou, Blade of Emiya
    Threadmarks: 2: System.

    Chapter 2: System. In my grasp was a kitchen knife the length of my entire forearm. Some might say giving a knife to a 7 year old is irresponsible—and they would be right, but Kiritsugu knows I can handle myself. And god forbid that man be allowed inside a kitchen, he'll just burn everything...
  11. Dunno.

    Shirou, Blade of Emiya
    Threadmarks: 1: Shirou Emiya.

    This is a self-insert, mostly self-indulgent piece of fan work and nothing else. Enjoy this garbage. P.S: Expect random power-ups. Chapter 1: Shirou Emiya. (15D/3M/24Y) [Have fun! Sincerely, Dunnonia.] A youthful voice reached my ears, pulling me out of my thoughts. "What?" Confused, I...
  12. Dunno.

    Fate/Whimsical God (Cracked)
    Threadmarks: FWG CH6

    Disclaimer: Not a lick of planning went into the making of this piece of fan fiction. I'm just writing down what my little noodle up here had thought of on the spot. Chapter 6: A normal day. "Leon?" Enkidu gave him a cold stare that would've bore a hole through Leon's head had he carried such...
  13. Dunno.

    Fate/Whimsical God (Cracked)
    Threadmarks: FWG CH5

    Chapter 5: Welcome to the family. "That escalated quickly," I chuckled while gazing beyond the horizon. Bathed under the soft rays of sunlight, a burnished metallic mass in the form of a majestic bull with two ocean-blue horns strutted forward, producing a loud boom that shook the earth with...
  14. Dunno.

    Fate/Whimsical God (Cracked)
    Threadmarks: FWG CH4

    Chapter 4: Uruk. "Excuse me… are you alright?" A child-like voice entered my ears, jolting my mind awake. Stirred from my slumber, I opened my eyes and caught sight of a rather adorable young man, no older than 16, with silky grass-hued hair that fell just below his shoulders, looking over me...
  15. Dunno.

    Fate/Whimsical God (Cracked)
    Threadmarks: FWG CH3

    Chapter 3: Humanity. "Magnificent." I said while staring intensely at the water's surface below me. More specifically, at the reflection it was giving; it was of a young man, who's appearance exudes of femininity. He possessed long braided hair, black as the night itself, that gently flowed...
  16. Dunno.

    Fate/Whimsical God (Cracked)
    Threadmarks: FWG CH2

    Chapter 2: Around the world. (2/6/24) "Oh boy," I smack my lips while glancing upwards into the night sky. "I sure hope that meteor doesn't hit me." I said jokingly. From beyond the stars, a decently sized asteroid fragmented into countless pieces upon breaking past the Earth's atmosphere, but...
  17. Dunno.

    Fate/Whimsical God (Cracked)
    Threadmarks: FWG CH1

    —Fate/Whimsical God— Some poor sod awakens in the void, accidentally wills himself into becoming a nigh-omnipotent god, then crash lands into the world of Fate before life had even sprouted on the planet. What could go wrong? (Crack-fic incoming.) Author's notes: First of, I would like to...
  18. Dunno.

    Hey, can I get a link to your Discord?

    Hey, can I get a link to your Discord?