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  1. nick012000

    A Young Girl's Guerilla War

    I've just finished reading all of this, and I'll admit: I want to see Tanya's face when she realises she needs to work alongside Lelouch's little cult for the sale of overthrowing Brittania. Anything for the cause, right? Just lie back and think of Japan, Tanya! ;)
  2. nick012000

    The future is here

    That's basically what Facebook and YouTube do, though they have the AI banhammer people and then have humans go back and review the results when people complain about erroneous results.
  3. nick012000

    The future is here

    That's not even her canonical user name, though. That name came from a fanfic because her actual username was never revealed in Worm - and then in Ward, it's revealed to be Hope_In_Pithos.
  4. nick012000

    The future is here

    I know this is an April Fools Day joke, but something like this is actually possible. Someone trained an AI chat both and let it loose on 4chan a while back, after all.
  5. nick012000

    Rule 8 Announcement

    Devil's advocate: is it really misgendering if they're using the wrong gender terms for themselves, because their biological gender is clearly the only one that matters - whether that's male, female, or eunuch? (Not politics! The mods said so in the OP!)
  6. nick012000

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)

    > insist on speaking in person because the government monitors communications > tell your bud the main thing that'd have the government hunting you down anyway LOL. I wonder how long until the Unity sends a recruiter over to pay him a visit...
  7. nick012000

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    It's a pity that White Dragon's dead. I wouldn't have minded seeing him meet Blitzen. It probably would have been hilarious.
  8. nick012000

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    I think Paul might be getting his just deserts for the Citadelian genocide he committed.
  9. nick012000

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    He'd probably need to mainline the Ophidian if he wants to start juggling planets around.
  10. nick012000

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    It'd just be a stereotypical Mexican accent, most likely. Remember, the Aztecs were called the "Mexica" when they were still around; they only got called the "Aztecs" after their empire fell as a way of distinguishing their empire from Spanish Mexico. Moreover, Nahuatl, their language, is...
  11. nick012000

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Eyeballs aren't "technology". A robot wouldn't be able to see him, for instance. I don't think someone wearing night-vision goggles could, either. Also, psychic powers are different to magic in DC. The former are powered by the Collective Unconscious, the latter are powered by the Godsphere.
  12. nick012000

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    The Reach can build nonmagical weapons that can kill gods. It's possible that he's built a device that works on some conceptual level, manipulates the Cosmic Superstructure to censor itself from observation, or uses some sort of passive technopathy field to censor the readings of amy device...
  13. nick012000

    Read (Dresden Files/Worm)

    I wonder how the Archive would interact with Otherverse magic, if the Otherverse is in the same multiverse as the Wormverse.
  14. nick012000

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Comic book superscience made by someone with superhuman intelligence. I dunno if it's ever been explained, but I'm guessing that the Collective Unconscious is probably involved, given that's the cosmic force that powers superhuman intellects.
  15. nick012000

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    He'd be invisible to the Guardians too, though, unless they were using magical scrying spells or something- but I don't think they would, since their dislike of magic is why they made the Stargeart to begin with.
  16. nick012000

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    So, how did a Green Lantern Ring find Mr Terrific when his mask makes him immune to detection by technology?
  17. nick012000

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    IIRC, we're using XenForo, aren't we? It'd probably be more productive to go complain over at the XenForo forums.
  18. nick012000

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    It looks like these T-Spheres are using demonic magitech, so giving them to people to reverse-engineer seems like a rather poor idea. That's how you wind up with demons possessing computers and running amok on the Internet or something.
  19. nick012000

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Honestly, I find both Mr. Terrifics sort of hilarious, in an unintentionally hypocritical way. "Oh, I'm a super-intelligent prodigy at everything! I've become super-wealthy because of the immense privilege I possess! What should my slogan as a superhero be? I know! 'Fair play'!" Let's not even...
  20. nick012000

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    I think that if the Nazis found out about how the Citadelian cloning program resulted in them degenerating in intelligence to that of someone who they would have sterilised as part of the Nazis' eugenics programs, they'd probably react with something like "preventing this sort of dysgenic...