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Search results for query: *

  1. 6Shigure6

    [Dragon Ball Z] Dragon Ball Isekai: Gohan Gamer

    Thanks for fixing the decimal point thing my ocd couldn’t take much more lol For English it’s more common for anime’s to go something along the lines of “take this” or “suck on that” or (if you’re feeling especially jokey) “how bout dem apples” Adept Zenkai boosting is busted in this, raditz...
  2. 6Shigure6

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

    You don't have to apologise to us. ultimately you do this for free and for fun so you shouldn't have to apologise to other people for taking break (or even stopping) your hobbies Hope you get better soon
  3. 6Shigure6

    Shit that was fast lol. Which character? Thanks

    Shit that was fast lol. Which character? Thanks
  4. 6Shigure6

    Is your pfp a fan art version of Aqua purifying that lake from that one konosuba episode when...

    Is your pfp a fan art version of Aqua purifying that lake from that one konosuba episode when she was panicking and trying to speed up the purification?
  5. 6Shigure6

    Stolen Hearts [RWBY OC]

    Poor Ruby Weiss was pretty bossy the first little while… even if she has a right to be concerned about her grade…
  6. 6Shigure6

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

    Awesome chapter, glad you’re feeling a bit better
  7. 6Shigure6

