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Search results for query: *

  1. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 42: Arianne II

    Chapter 42: Arianne II He's killing himself, Arianne thought. The king sat at the head of the table, leaned back in his seat, leading the small council. His eyes were red, ringed with dark circles that spoke of lost sleep. Bruises covered one half of his face, hard-won on the training yard. He...
  2. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 41: Reek

    Chapter 41: Reek He would not run. He could not run. I will deliver my lord that castle, Reek resolved. I will. I must. The ruins of Moat Cailin were visible at a distance, obscured by mist. His horse jostled between his legs, rubbing his thighs. Reek did not mind it. He observed himself...
  3. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 40: Victarion II

    Chapter 40: Victarion II The Iron Victory swept forwards, her ram cutting clean through the choppy green waters. Oars slapped the sea. Salt sprayed his face. And ahead, the horizon lay clear. Victarion felt his fist clench around the handle of his axe. The Drowned God had not fashioned him...
  4. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 39: The Threads of Fate

    Chapter 39: The Threads of Fate Beneath a wave of pleasure a snowy waste presented itself. With the gusts of snowy wind buffeting me from all sides came little sounds. Human sounds. Grunts and groans and moans and whimpers. Pain? Fear? Maybe. Probably. In dreamworld the details were always...
  5. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 38: Jon IV

    Chapter 38: Jon IV In the granary were oats, wheat, barley, and barrels of coarse ground flower. In the root cellars lengths of onions and garlic and turnips and radishes dangled on strings from the rafters. Bags of carrots and spuds and barrels of corn lined the walls. On the shelves were...
  6. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 37: Cersei V

    Chapter 37: Cersei V "Her saddle girth burst whilst she was riding," said Ser Balmar. Lady Falyse looked like she was about to cry. "Mother's hip shattered in the fall. Maester Franken did all he could, but to no avail. So now all we can do is pray..." Cersei plastered a sympathetic smile...
  7. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 36: Jaime IV

    Chapter 36: Jaime IV A horn cut through the cluttered air. The riders were already dismounting when Jaime emerged from within his tent; the sounds of hooves and boots and armour mixing in with all the others noises of camp. It seemed to be a half-dozen knights, with two-dozen other men in...
  8. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 35: Sansa II

    Chapter 35: Sansa II It took all the Lords of the Vale a little more than a few weeks to arrive. That much made sense, at least. The roads between many of the keeps were narrow, and infested with hill tribes. Many of the lords arrived to the Eyrie itself with tales of repelled ambushes and...
  9. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 34: Davos II

    Chapter 34: Davos II "We'll make King's Landing within the hour," the captain announced. Davos nodded, accepting the news with the grim certainty of a man facing the chopping block. He went to the rail on the edge of the deck of the ship and looked at the churning seas below. The bow of the...
  10. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 33: Jon III

    Chapter 33: Jon III "The realm will curse us all for this," snarled Ser Alliser Thorne from atop his horse. "Every honest man in Westeros will turn his head and spit on the ground at any mention of the Night's Watch." What would you know of honest men? Jon thought but didn't say. Ser Alliser...
  11. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 32: Arya III

    Chapter 32: Arya III The godswood at Winterfell had always been quiet, Arya remembered. As she trudged across the leaf-covered ground, boots tromping in snow, she passed by thickets of ash, chestnut, oak and ironwood trees towards the pale branches of the heart tree. Blood-red leaves formed...
  12. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 31: Jaime III

    Chapter 31: Jaime III Though Littlefinger had been named Lord of Harrenhall, he seemed in no great haste to stake his claim. Jaime sighed. Of course not. Baelish was a traitor, destined for nothing more than an early burial. And so that task would fall to him. And what a task it was! That...
  13. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 30: Pirates

    Chapter 30: Pirates When Asha Greyjoy's fleet entered Blackwater Bay, a not insignificant amount of alarm ensued. Tales of ironborn raids were well-known, even here on the far side of Westeros. Rape and murder and plunder. And so when the kraken hoved into view across the horizon, carried...
  14. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 29: Cersei VI

    Chapter 29: Cersei IV Dragonstone is yours. What a stupid thing to say, Cersei thought as she sat in the throne room, watching Garlan Tyrell kneel before his king, an irrepressible grin tugging at his lips. Dragonstone is yours. Was that something to be proud of? A piddling stone jutting out...
  15. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 28: Jon II

    Chapter 28: Jon II "Can I have his boots?" someone asked, as Janos Slynt's head went rolling across the muddy ground. "They're proper boots, they are, almost new. Lined with fur too." Jon glanced back at Stannis, and their eyes briefly met. Beside him, he heard the sound of the man taking...
  16. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 27: Sansa

    Chapter 27: Sansa "Bronze Yohn knows me," Sansa insisted. "He was there, in Kings Landing, at the Hand's tourney. He saw me in the crowds." "Ah," Petyr said, nodding as he put a finger under her chin and grazed her lip with his thumb. "But back then you were only a pretty face in the crowd...
  17. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 26: Davos

    Chapter 26: Davos Even in the gloom of the Wolf's Den, Davos could tell something had gone awry. He had come to White Harbour an envoy of his king, but they held him captive. His cell was large and luxuriously furnished - twice the size of his cabin on his ship, with a hearth and even a...
  18. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 25: Oberyn III

    Chapter 25: Oberyn III For Oberyn, the port of Sunspear was a sight for sore eyes. The journey south had been meandering, and thrice now unfavourable winds had slowed their way. With every passing day Ellaria grew more impatient to see her daughters, and Oberyn to see his brother. And yet...
  19. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 24: Jaime II

    Chapter 24: Jaime II Part of him would be glad to leave Kings Landing behind, Jaime knew. As of late the city left a sour taste in his mouth. This was the place of his shame, of all his indiscretions. This was the place... Let him be king over charred bones and cooked meat. Let him be king...
  20. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 23: Jon

    Chapter 23: Jon Jon read the letter over and over till the letters began to blur together. Arya... No. He refused to believe it. Tommen was lying. He had to be lying. He had yet to offer proof, and words were only wind, after all... Jon had wanted to burn the parchment then and there, toss...