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Search results for query: *

  1. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]

    It is supposed to be in portugues, and in the original song this part is in portuguese. The music smoking snakes is about three Brazilian soldiers, who fought against a much larger and much stronger force of German troops. They fought until they ran out of ammunition and engaged in close combat...
  2. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]
    Threadmarks: 26 - EAT THIS!

    [Adam Tauros] Today, my steps lead me to a nightmare scenario. A White Fang outpost, once a strategic stronghold, now lies in ruins. The air is filled with the metallic smell of blood and the sickly stench of death as mutilated bodies lie strewn across the ground. We were responding to a...
  3. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]
    Threadmarks: 25 - EAT DEMOCRACY

    Avip: Just stopping by to let you know that you can see Audra's full photo on my X(twitter), AvipBr. Since not all Fic platforms allow her image. [Weiss Schnee] I faced the CTT terminal with a mixture of apprehension and anticipation. The call with Winter was about to begin, and my heart...
  4. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]

    This is the kind of thing I need a Beta Reader for.
  5. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]
    Threadmarks: 24 - Heavy Metal

    <Avip: I am looking for beta readers to help me with this story. I have noticed lately that some terms and expressions that make sense in Brazilian Portuguese are strange in English, for example: ‘Little bird that eats stone knows what kind of ass it has.’> “Dialogue” {Scroll} {{A.I...
  6. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]

    And I'm excited about publishing my book. My editor said it's cute in a creepy way.
  7. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]
    Threadmarks: 23 - Interlude [2]

    <Avip:I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I published 1 new chapter earlier than usual and I'm working with a publisher here in Brazil on my first book, the bad news at the end of the chapter...> “Dialogue” {Scroll} {{A.I. Dialogue}} [Ruby Rose] Today I finally gathered...
  8. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]
    Threadmarks: 22 - Interlude [1]

    <Avip: If you enjoy my work, please leave a comment or a review.> “Dialogue” {Scroll} {{A.I. Dialogue}} [Winter Schnee] The chill of the elevator seems to intensify as it descends towards Dr. Pietro Polendina's laboratory. The journey is silent, aiding me in focusing on my thoughts that...
  9. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]
    Threadmarks: 21 - 80% less

    “Dialogue” 'Thought' {Scroll} [Original Point of View] My eyes slowly open, vision still blurry as I try to comprehend what happened. Feeling a bit lost, I realize I'm in an unfamiliar bed. “As noble as your intentions may have been, it doesn't justify the destruction of an entire street.”...
  10. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]
    Threadmarks: 20 - Jedi Saiyan

    <Avip: I'm still learning how to write fights and the ending was a little rushed... but as my father said “the perfect is the enemy of the good”.> “Dialogue” ‘Thought’ {Scroll} [Nora Valkyrie] “REN!” I shout, opening the door. “You lost the duel for our fearless leader's hand.” As I...
  11. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]

    Great point. As Hazel said he did, if I remember correctly.
  12. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]

    I making Noir a Huntress focused in dealing with criminals with awakened Aura.
  13. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]

    You are 1.000% correct. Glynda has absurd control over her power. She repairs objects with telekinesis in the show, this indicates that she has fine control on an almost molecular level… that OP AS FUCK!
  14. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]

    She is certainly powerful, I made her inspired by Hazel and Glynda herself. I think I got the idea of tactile telekinesis from the 90s Super boy, but I don't remember 100%… it's been 20 years since I read those comics (FUCK, I'm so old). Her semblance is powerful, but drains a lot, however Arcs...
  15. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]

    I hate when this happen, and its not the first time. Thanks for the heads up.
  16. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]
    Threadmarks: 19 - Sibling fight

    <Avip:Warning, I'm not used to writing action scenes, so it was quite difficult for me to write this chapter.> “Dialogue” {Scroll} [Original point of view] “It's time to pay for your crimes… little brother.” “Noir Arc.” I mumble aloud the name of my attacker. “Can you tell me why this is...
  17. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]

    Ooooooooooh... Sorry, I'm kind of slow. That's why the answer will come only in 2 weeks.
  18. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]

    I spend a lot of time making her look menacing… and hot.
  19. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]

  20. Avip_br

    Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]
    Threadmarks: 18 - Sins of the past

    “Dialogue” {Scroll} [Yang Xiao Long] Green eyes open, staring at the infirmary ceiling. Despite being confused, she tries to get up, but a throbbing pain in her head forces her to lie down again. “Hold on, Pyrrha.” I say to the bedridden girl. “The nurse said you shouldn't move too much.”...