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Search results for query: *

  1. Silver_Fox

    About Time (Ratchet and Clank/Worm)
    Threadmarks: Chapter Three, Runing Diagnostics

    Cutie has been through many things with these two, that one-time Apogee smack-talked his way into an interstellar drag race through a black hole network, ending in outrunning a supernova, Axle's fixation on gladiatorial combat arenas whenever he’s not saving planets from annihilation or blowing...
  2. Silver_Fox

    About Time (Ratchet and Clank/Worm)
    Threadmarks: Chapter Two, Lost Sleep

    It was late, Dusk just starting to settle in as Armsmaster was riding down his patrol route, making sure to keep an eye out, but mostly focusing on centring his mind, listening to some engineering study about a meta-material inspired by an old hero called mischief, his power allowed him to...
  3. Silver_Fox

    About Time (Ratchet and Clank/Worm)

    Crossposting this from SB as well. I honestly have no idea how to work with making spoiler/aurthor note boxes here. So I'm just going to copy paste the one on SB here, gonna slap myself if it's the same. Well hello there. This'll be my first ever try at making any type of story, so I'm not to...
  4. Silver_Fox

    About Time (Ratchet and Clank/Worm)
    Threadmarks: Chapter One, Final Rush

    “Shit!” Cranking on the boosters into high gear, I work the gravity anchors to their limits as I dodge and weave between crystalline fragments and extra-dimensional cracks with nothing but experience and luck keeping us all from immediately becoming crushed in the infinite, trusting Apogee to...