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Search results for query: *

  1. Wrath Farmer

    The idea is somewhat interesting. Though a presence of any logic in the world escapes me. ;) Writing is okay, but feels too drawn out. Possibly would benefit from shortening. Also, considering strength training - he most probably has quite enough heavy stones around. Or could just fill a bucket...
  2. a suggestion on Ignore...

    May I suggest introducing a featurette where if I push on "Ignore thread" it would also automatically unwatch it if it was watched before?
  3. favorite quotes or quotes you created yourself

    Which reminds me: "You can't trust anyone. <Pause> <Smirk> Me, you can." Head of Gestapo Muller in Soviet series "17 moments of the spring" (about a high-placed spy inside of 3rd Reich for those who don't know)
  4. Just an opinion (WORM)

    I sincerely doubt anybody would find time and inclination to parse through all that, especially considering that also is about ideas, not discussing the canon - at least according to its title... ;) Also, going to unsubscribe from this. Should do it yesterday, probably. ;)
  5. What are your most hated fanfic tropes

    I agree with your # 5. But it's also a bad writing - or, more precisely, lack of understanding that people are generally formed by their life experiences by the ficwriter. Is a bit broader than just being bad at writing per se, is a common disease of our time, but is not a trope. At least not a...
  6. Just an opinion (WORM)

    Nah. Who was right - is Yangban. They were actually doing something that could work. What C. were doing was something which couldn't work even in theory. Cause "second Eidolon" which they bet on would by definition be weaker than a full entity anyway - a part can't be bigger than a whole. Plus...
  7. What are your most hated fanfic tropes

    These are all elements which constitute a bad writing. ;) Though some are more common than others.
  8. What are your most hated fanfic tropes

    Yeah, there are some. I also remember at least one with a transhumanist villain who got insert into Good Girl Riley. Was a promising start but the guy never finished his works. By the end he got almost 20 various fics, all in various stages of "promising start"... ;) Another Russian fic with a...
  9. What are your most hated fanfic tropes

    If he wouldn't be a cape, Kaiser would kill him himself the first day as his value for the organisation would be zero and the heat he'd bring completely unnecessary. %) So yeah, no story. ;)
  10. What are your most hated fanfic tropes

    The first: yes. The 2nd: such a fic exists. Or at least it did some years back. I didn't finish it because the author made several glaring mistakes on how gangs work and moved action to New York where Taylor with another character started to conquer the city... %) I tried to remind him how...
  11. What are your most hated fanfic tropes

    I'd say that the problem is not limited to villains of a particular kind. Most "original" protagonists are literally the same. Extra hilarious when they were based on canon characters which were different from each other. ;) Re: trollfics, etc. They do exist. But, as Mr Behemoth noted above, ban...
  12. Bastard!! Netflix adaptation

    Actually, not surprising at all. Nowadays they don't have any degree of originality, so they try to revamp something old. As a rule, completely missing what made the old good in the process.. %))
  13. Fanfic Search Thread

    Release hormones, yes. Cause pain, etc., no. Remember, that while, say, causing emotions would be logical - and easier than affecting movement - in canon it's a whole other power, given to different members of the same family. Don't look for logic. ;) Upd: when I earlier mentioned a fic where...
  14. Fanfic Search Thread

    The thing is, in canon his actual power is limited , not his "creativity", so it will be an alt-power fic anyway. The Wormsverse is constructed so that shard lottery (and Plot Armor, of course ;) ) count for much more than "ambition". Taylor isn't ambitious, but she is The Chosen One, so ...
  15. Fanfic Search Thread

    Thanks a lot! Will be quite interesting to see how the field changed through time.
  16. Pornhub Content Purge

    Yes, heard about that too, though a bit later iirc. Also could be a reason for the campaign.
  17. favorite quotes or quotes you created yourself

    My friend giving lecture to students on neo-Confucianism: So, it was established that human nature is good. Or, more correctly, it was established that Ancients considered human nature to be good - and those who consider otherwise, understood Ancients incorrectly! This one my Koreist friends...

    Easy to be the best when Hollywood is dead and dessicating. %)) Not the first film industry to die while we're watching, of course. :(
  19. Pornhub Content Purge

    Thanks for info, missed it at the time. Considering dominos effect - iirc, it was not the start. But at some point at time (circa 2016-2020) I've heard that guys actually used pornhub for honest-to-Tzeench political discussions. Far away from prying eyes of moral entrepreneurs... Maybe this was...
  20. The Hag's Prophecy - Act One

    warmer? Otherwise, good. Also, agree and support your position on dragons ' ages. Did something similar myself when I was actually DMing...