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Search results for query: *

  1. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    You have to be extremely careful trading knowledge that you stole. One genius reinventing the wheel (moreover rocks wheel) is one thing. A genius making techniques that don't have as much relevance to her only to trade them away is a tad more suspicious. Furthermore, the more people using...
  2. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Seeing ino react to rei doing this ( even as a joke) would be precious.
  3. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    The scene has been quite rewritten (much for the better imo). It's also a much better placement for the scene vs the old location.
  4. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    The hokage probably doesn't have that power. Marriage has traditionally been a a family/clan thing and I doubt any of the clans wanted to cede this to anyone. So they probably wrote language to that effect when they joined the village. And while two of those three don't look like they are...
  5. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Slavery unfortunately was efficient. You can look to the american case, and see that slaves were as an efficient investment as any other in the time period. In fact, when the slave were freed, they were less productive than doing their jobs as slaves. Ultimately this is a good thing since...
  6. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    This looks like its implying a feudal system, though in practice thanks to the power of the Ninja, I wouldnt be surprised if the Elemental Nations were essentially a slave society. Its not an unsurprising thing outcome based off of chakra. Ninjas have to devote large portions of their time to...
  7. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    While Konoha is more "modern" than most of the country, lets not forget that it is embedded in feudal system (and are the enforcers of the system). Its not obvious what institutions will resemble more of feudal japan, and which ones will resemble more of modern japan.
  8. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    The issue here is that even in traditional cultures, child marriages aren't the norm. You tend to wait untill at least after puberty to really look for a husband/wife for your child. Generally the man would be older than women, but the women wouldnt generally be eleven. And also, long...
  9. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    It would probably make more sense to try and go for someone internal to the clan or maybe someone from the nara or akimichi clan. Really though, I doubt the clan would interfere too much with most men she might pick (as long as its something not crazy like Neji Hyuuga). However, she isn't...
  10. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    To to counter the idea of rei having potentially become more cautious since being tortured, let's not forget what she mouthed off to Anki, as well as the fact that she nearly killed Hinata. Don't forget her failed assault on kakashi as well.
  11. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Uhhh Rei's whole summoning idea was far more foolish. She barely survived it. She underweighted the risk of death/serious injury and paid for it. And lets look at something, What has changed Rei's mind away from her gut instincts in the past? The one thing that has genuinely worked (at...
  12. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Shadow clone just seems too recognizable to get away with. There is gonna be very little plausible deniability she can get away with there.
  13. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    So rei has never done anything foolish because there is a high enough reward? I find it very weird to think that Rei won't end up with Virulent in her Mischief. If not now, then later. Rei is stubborn, but she actually will change her mind about her approach when given reason to (like when...
  14. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    She also really wants power. I dont think putting up with Virulent is the line she would not be willing to cross for more power.
  15. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    You do realize I was being sarcastic right? There were multiple points of failure that could get her in that post.
  16. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Or Rei could copy the info on the scroll, then have worm return the scroll, learn her jutsu, wait a while and pretend to 'invent" her new technique. She is a genius after all and has invented powerful techniques before. Complete Plausible Deniabilty, and there is no way anything could go wrong...
  17. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    If its missing the most likely thing is a chuunin checked it out and forgot to properly record what they borrowed after all. When some basic jutsu is missing (and none of the more advanced techniques are), your mind doesnt jump to infiltrator, it jumps to "I bet Akihiko forgot to check out his...
  18. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    I think Radical Rei is a given at this. Rei remembers living in wealthy modern liberal democracy with a market economy. That is a remarkable improvement on traditional Feudal Society where most of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of the idle nobility living off the back of the peasantry...