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Search results for query: *

  1. Brazilian_cheese

    I see, thanks

    I see, thanks
  2. Brazilian_cheese

    Do you have a discord server or something similar?

    Do you have a discord server or something similar?
  3. Brazilian_cheese

    Weird issue with profile posts

    Idk what the problem is and it doesn't really affect me that much but I thought y'all would want to know it exists
  4. Brazilian_cheese

    Weird issue with profile posts

    So, I tried to ask a question to an author, Leecifer in this case, in his profile post section but for some reason the writing bubble just started appearing again and again if I clicked on it, kinda like this after I tried to write 4 times
  5. Brazilian_cheese

    Nice, just read it for the first time and really liked it

    Nice, just read it for the first time and really liked it
  6. Brazilian_cheese

    Is Life 2.0 dead dead or can chapters for it still be commissioned?

    Is Life 2.0 dead dead or can chapters for it still be commissioned?
  7. Brazilian_cheese

    I see, hope you can actually achieve that tho

    I see, hope you can actually achieve that tho
  8. Brazilian_cheese

    Random question, when one of your main stories (My Harem Academia, Draconian Remnant and Arcane...

    Random question, when one of your main stories (My Harem Academia, Draconian Remnant and Arcane Curiosity Explored) ends, will you choose any of the other, normally commissioned ones, to become part of the main trio?
  9. Brazilian_cheese

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    The worst part would be on the children, caus the battle royale will get stupidly worse when it's time for the inheritance to come Unrelated note, TFTC
  10. Brazilian_cheese

    tbh, not really, I am not a funny man

    tbh, not really, I am not a funny man
  11. Brazilian_cheese

    XF2 testbed now available

    When you try to check new alerts, they look very much bugged And compared to Tho clarifying, I am on mobile
  12. Brazilian_cheese

    Is How to be a Vampire dead or are you conntinuing it?

    Is How to be a Vampire dead or are you conntinuing it?
  13. Brazilian_cheese

    Is the SI!Sukuna story ever coming back?

    Is the SI!Sukuna story ever coming back?
  14. Brazilian_cheese

    I gotta ask, is Wet In All the Wrong Places dead or are you gonna ever continue it if you have...

    I gotta ask, is Wet In All the Wrong Places dead or are you gonna ever continue it if you have the time?
  15. Brazilian_cheese

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    I'm gonna be honest and say that I only realized now since you said it that this had been going at a 2 chapter per week schedule
  16. Brazilian_cheese

    nice fanfics

    nice fanfics
  17. Brazilian_cheese

    question, how do I get the thingy asking a moderator's approval to stop appearing on my posts?

    question, how do I get the thingy asking a moderator's approval to stop appearing on my posts?
  18. Brazilian_cheese

    I Like Cheese

    I Like Cheese
  19. Brazilian_cheese

    So uh, I lost the password of my past account and for some reason it logged off by itself, is...

    So uh, I lost the password of my past account and for some reason it logged off by itself, is there any problem if I make this new account?
  20. Brazilian_cheese

    Do you have any idea when you're posting the next Bad Romance Chapter?

    Do you have any idea when you're posting the next Bad Romance Chapter?